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Alice's Soldiers Page 10

  Joeann didn’t move. She continued to eat the pancakes that were good enough to die for.

  There was a knock at the door, and Martha yelled: “Come in.”

  Robert appeared in the kitchen dressed as Tarzan and asked if he could sit down and have something to eat?

  Martha asked him “if he has washed?”

  Yes, Mom, he said, “I took a bath in the River.”

  The Sergeant said, “no one can go into that ‘River.’ It’s cold, and it has a fierce whitewater current over twenty-five miles an hour.”

  Martha told “Robert that Joeann and Alice have picked out some clothes for you. You will find them on your bed.”

  Robert said Dad, please don’t worry I was cautious, and three Soldiers were watching me.

  Meanwhile, Martha was kicking Joeann to get Alice. Joeann didn’t move until Martha took her fork.

  “Alice came into the room, at first, she had nothing to say but yelled at Robert for being late. Alice fried him four eggs after asking permission to do so. With the eggs, bacon, pancakes, and a half a quart of orange juice, Robert was full.”

  The children cleaned up the kitchen. They also made coffee for their mom and dad.

  “The Sergeant told his family he now oversees all the security personnel stationed at the Fort, including the military police and the Soldier’s Squadron.”

  The base commander told the Sergeant to use Princess Alice’s mind-reading abilities to clean out the spies.

  Telling his daughter, she must go with him to inspect his police force, almost made him smile. Yes, Joeann can come too since she is also a Princess. The girls ran into their room followed by a giggling Martha.

  Alice said, Dad as I travel around the Fort and run across any spies, you will receive a picture of that individual and a detailed rundown of all their activities, for the past five years.

  The Sergeant chewed out his men, two hundred of them for about an hour on their unacceptable lazy performance. Vehicles are racing all over the fort, the bars are full of drunks, and they are fighting in the streets.

  “He introduced Alice and Joeann as Princesses to the Military Police. The Sergeant said, your primary responsibility is to ensure their safety from everything, including a rude remark. Alice and Joeann held one of their hands (Military Police) as they bowed to them. Joeann’s head was spinning. Alice looked into each person’s eyes and read their mind as she thanked them for their service.”

  That night she gave the pictures of nine men and one woman to the Sergeant. He turned over the pictures and pertaining files over to a detachment of trained Soldiers that took care of identified traitors.

  The Sergeant said I would put loose guards on the kids and if they stay away from the River and wild animals in the training grounds, we should be OK.

  Martha said I understand the food allowance now. But who would hire them? Robert not even dressed right he looks like an uneducated sharecropper.

  That’s because the girls are playing a joke on Robert by getting him stupid looking clothes.

  “The boys are going to follow Alice around and attack Robert,” said Martha. “My Queen told me they are our children. God forgive anyone who hurts a hair on one of their heads.”

  Last night on Martha’s earlier bed check, she found her children wide awake. She missed the goodnight Ma and kissed stuff, but it turned out fine because they got her involved in what they were doing. They were sitting around Robert’s bed, planning activities for tomorrow. Robert had maps and papers all over the bed. “Ma said Robert we know we must work, but all the “local kids have taken the jobs so we will start our own business. Robert told Alice to show Ma what you got.”

  Alice got a shopping bag out of the closet and showed it to Martha. The bag contained about two hundred thousand dollars in cash. Alice said don’t worry Ma, Dad knows about it. We will buy a storefront and open a Prosciutto sandwich shop. Our Family already owns five shops in Brooklyn. This one will be your ma. My Brother Tony and his girlfriend, Gloria are on their way here to help us set it up.

  “Alice how old are they and where are their parents, asked Marth?”

  “Ma don’t worry they’re ancient, Tony is sixteen and Gloria our best girlfriend ever is at least fifteen, and you are their mother.”

  Are they active?

  I don’t think so Grandma Lily would kill them.

  Either way, Gloria will sleep in the same room as you and Joeann, said Martha. Also, I have got you all robes.

  Note to reader: Robert and Alice are around twelve, they are the size of nineteen-year-old teenagers but have the minds of thirty-year-old.

  “Ma said Alice the Queen Mother wants you and Dad to buy a few acres next to the Fort as soon as possible. The Queen is building a Sax Fifth Avenue department store and a shopping mall to go along with it, and she wants the property in the family now.”

  Martha said, “family, what family?”

  Alice said you and Dad had been a vital part of our family since the sewer incident in France. As soon as I get married, you and Dad will become members of the Royal Court, with titles and land.

  Tears busted out of Martha.

  Martha showed the three kids her lovely ladies business suit (With a smile). She then took them to the perfect spot for the sandwich shop, which they bought in a few minutes.

  “Martha said supper is at six make sure you are there I will pick up your friends. I will go shopping, go home and then cook. Tomorrow we must sign the legal papers on this shop and work on the land for the ‘Mall.’ She left them at the Fort’s main drag, General Washington Avenue.”

  The Avenue is about four blocks from Martha’s home. The Avenue has all the Fort’s eating establishments, Pizzerias, Chinese food, delicatessens, and convenience stores (Newspapers and magazines).

  At the first convenience store, Robert went to get coffee for all, plus a donut for Joeann.

  “As soon as he went into the shop, some guys called Alice and Joeann over to their pickup truck. Princess Alice gave them the finger, but Joeann went running over; all excited about the attention. The Princess tried to grab her as she passed by but missed. When she heard the disgusting remark, someone made to Joeann.” Alice moving like a tiger, flew to the car and smashed the guy in the head. She walloped him so hard it caused blood to bleed from his eyes.

  Three large teenagers acting like James Dean climbed out of the truck and cruised over to Alice and Joeann.

  “Little Joanne was crying. Then she was laughing when she heard Alice say, Robert, do you have a minute?”

  Robert who had just walked out with the coffee and a donut in a takeout box, pick up the problem right away.

  “Robert said Alice the guy who is bleeding from his eyes called me a slut and asked Joeann for you know what. So, I struck him.”

  Robert gave the takeout box to Alice and said please hold this.

  The boys paid no attention to Robert with his childlike farmer’s boots, strapped dungarees, and a Christmas tree designated shirt.

  One guy said to Alice I would stick this knife up your boyfriend’s ass.

  Alice said, “I don’t talk to dead people.”

  Robert took the knife off the guy and shoved it up his ass.

  “That happened right after Alice told Robert the guy in question is terrible.”

  Robert recommended the other young boys take the dying boy to the hospital and then go over to the MP’s station and tell them you abused the Princess. If they hang you that’s the way it goes. Also, if you don’t, I will find you as he ripped the door off their truck.

  Fort Barlow training grounds was a fifteen by fifteen-mile forest. As information, this Fort is a new massive Military Complex, located somewhere in the ‘West Virginia Mountains.’ The woods held a few animals like wolfs and mountain lions. For some unknown reason, the older animals never touched the ba
by ones. Game wardens fed the dangerous animals. The forest had an assortment of enormous Red Cedar, Maple, and Evergreens Trees.

  The bodies of water in the forest held one river. It was a mile-wide freezing river coming straight out of the mountains and rushing through the woods, about five miles in the park the river slides into the ground and disappears. Forget about riverbanks it has none. The rapid stream disappears into the earth. Like someone put a letter into the giant mailbox found in front of the Post Office, and it disappeared. Add a medium-sized lake and a few fishponds for the animals and birds, and you got a picture of the water in the woods.

  The kids ran home to change into Bathing suits and tee shirts. They rushed to the Training Woods. Robert could not wait to throw them into the river, but he did have ropes tied around them.

  The screams from the two girls were unnerving, and Robert promised he would never do that again, as he pulled them out of the river.

  But, the two ladies couldn’t wait for him to throw them in again so they could scream for their lives.

  Alice was so excited she jumped into the River forgetting she didn’t have a rope tied to her, Alice realized immediately she wasn’t strong enough to swim back, As Alice when down, Robert went in knowing if they couldn’t find a space to breathe at the top of the water, they were both dead.

  “Alice knew she killed her man. As they disappeared into the water, Alice visited Robert’s mind. She looked into his eyes as if they were going down for the final time and said I love you.”

  Robert didn’t return the feeling because he felt a current pushing him, so he grabbed Alice, and she swam next to him. After they enter the underground, they found a small space between the top of the water and the tunnel. Soon the margin increase allowing them to breathe. Within a mile the breathing area expanded, they even found two Soldiers at a campsite eating supper. It was a cave attached to the ‘River’ and a Soldier’s base. The men were in shock when the kids popped up. Their leader said, “no one has ever done that before.”

  They show them the secret trail to the top, and they ran up to tell Joeann they were all right.

  But Joeann had quite the problem a bunch of mountain lions’ babies was behind her, and the kitten’s massive Mother and Father were trying to get to their babies. Robert grabbed Joeann and told Alice we must move. They ran towards home after about a mile they put Joeann down, and she sprinted ahead.

  Tony, Gloria, and the Sergeant were all smiling as they sat on the porch.

  Dinner was family time. Corn on the cob, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, giant southern butter rolls, paper napkins, milk, and brownies and talk. Gloria and Tony couldn’t stop talking about their underground boat trip.

  “Martha saw the kids running towards the house and told Gloria to get the bathtubs ready and round up clean clothes.”

  Gloria started off her chores by throwing her arms around Martha and saying ‘Ma’ I love you.

  Martha and Gloria grabbed the soaked girls and led the shivering two to bathtubs. In a minute they were out, dried, and in warm clothes, Gloria couldn’t stop laughing.

  Robert just changed his clothes and combed his hair.

  At supper, the Sergeant said ‘Grace’ and the Meal began.

  “The Sergeant started the meal by asking Joeann how did everyone get soaked? We jumped into the River Dad.

  Martha got so upset she stood up and said ‘What?’

  Its ok Ma, Robert tied ropes around us and pulled us out of the river and back to a campfire, he made.

  Bored with the conversation everyone jumped back into supper Just as everyone was getting ready to destroy desert which was staring at them from the counter next to the sink.

  “The Sergeant dropped the second shoe. Robert, how did you get wet? Pulling the girls out of the river wouldn’t get you soaked.”

  Dad, Alice fell in the River, and I jumped in and pulled her out.

  Well, son, I have a filmed report from the Soldiers, and I would like to show you all, this exciting motion picture.

  For your information, the Soldiers record each member of the Royal Families’ activities. Sometimes the unusual happens like killing, or one goes missing. The recordings become invaluable when a Princess almost drowns.

  Martha said I want to watch it and see who gets grounded for life.

  Robert started to talk, but Alice cut him short and said, “Robert as your Princess and future Queen I demand you say nothing.”

  OK, Martha said, “let’s watch the movie.”

  The movie starts with Alice and Joeann screaming bloody murder after jumping into the water. Then the two girls stopped screaming and said together pull us out, Robert.

  Martha yelled those two are monsters. She had to pick up Joeann and “tell her she wasn’t a monster and she loved her. Martha said I was joking sweetheart.”

  The film showed Alice slipping past Robert and diving into the water. At first, it looked like she would make it back to the riverbank, but then she stopped with a worried look on her face she waved at Robert.

  He was moving toward her and then drove into the water.

  In a second Alice disappeared as she was dragged away by the current; out of sight under the mountain.

  The projector stopped, and the complaints from the kitchen started.

  The Sergeant said everybody shut-up. Robert, I have received orders from your Father, King John for you to tell us what happens after you hit the water because there is no way you both should be Alive. You save the Princess, and we want to know how you did it. We know you can read minds. Now, Alice, you will sit next to Robert both close your eyes and tell us everything.

  Robert spoke: Alice was talking as I drove into the water. I told her to shut up and fight for her life because if she doesn’t, we are both going to die.

  What did she say, asked the Sergeant?

  Dad, I promised her I would not tell anyone what she said.

  Robert continued; I yelled into Alice’s mind: concentrate on getting your body flat and parallel to the top of the tunnel there must be air for you to breathe, then Inch your way across the tunnel’s ledge.

  I told Alice to count one to a million at the same tone. That way I will find you. If the sound gets louder in my head, that means I am getting closer.

  “Why are you screaming, Alice? Listen settled down. What are you yelling about, a monster fish didn’t attack you? My hand grabbed you if you notice its pitch black down here.” Alice, again there is no giant fish wrapped around you. So, let’s get some swimming done. Swim behind me for the back-draft. When I get tired, you can take over. She swam behind me for a half hour and then Alice took over. The cold water takes everything out of you. After half an hour, I took over again. She told me she couldn’t swim any further; I should continue alone. I took her in my arms and said hold on to my neck and don’t let go. The cold water caught up with us. She kissed my neck and held on for dear life. Soon I got to the same point as Alice was and slow down. I said to myself I would swim if She holds on. If she let go, I would go with her. A few minutes her hands around my neck were slipping I was about to give up until I realized there was a light ahead.

  Honey, it’s a soldier station we made it I stumbled ashore and passed out. I woke up with Joeann and Alice sitting on me next to a raging campfire.

  Dad turned off the projector. The High Command and both of your Parent’s, Robert and Alice watched this video. Alice, your Mother, almost had a heart attack and then blamed her daughter, Alice for the problems. Also, there will not be any more public display of affection between you two.

  Also, no one can believe children your age survives this ordeal.

  As the girls were helping Martha clean up the supper dishes, dinner, a Soldier whispered something to Dad.

  He said Alice, Robert do you know anything about the two large Mountain Lions in the backyard?

Robert said I would take care of it. Sorry, Joeann, you must give me the kitten and don’t worry it will be fine. Everyone at the table had confused looks on their faces except for Joeann who was full of smiles.

  Robert took the kitten and put it in a Soldiers jeep. There were kittens and a large female, and male lions already in the army vehicle.

  Robert took out the female lion, and it followed Robert back into the house.

  Martha screamed and stood in front of Alice, Joeann, and Gloria.

  Yes, dad, she lost her kittens and got lonely, so she took another cat’s babies. I told her she could stay with us and we will be her kittens. Her name is Maria.

  She must stay outside said, Martha.

  The Sarge said yes, it would get lonely when you are all gone.

  So, the family had a second pet. Martha sat down and said, “O My God,” we almost didn’t make it through the first day.

  “Okay, Gloria and Joanne, you both will sleep with Alice. Who is not to go anywhere without one of you two?”

  “Tony told Martha not to worry, stuff like today happens all the time. You are dealing with two goofballs.”

  They had to wake up Alice and get her off Robert’s lap. They were sitting on the porch with a sleeping mountain lion.

  After the Television was off and Alice came in from the porch, the girls put on their old fashion pajamas and new robes. They loved their nightwear so much they held hands and promised their children would have the same manner of bed wear.

  Robert stayed out on the porch. The girls and Tony went to bed. But first, he marched into the girl’s bedroom picked up Gloria and kissed her good night.

  Tony went to boy’s bedroom He had a shot of cognac before he fell asleep to dreams of Gloria. He left a light on for Robert and the small bottle of booze.

  Martha never checked the boy’s room knowing they were from Brooklyn.

  The Sergeant kissed his wife went to bed with the dog curled up on the bottom of the bed. He was excited, tomorrow with help from his daughter he will straighten out one of the essential problems at the most critical Army Fort in the World.