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Alice's Soldiers Page 12

  Alice answer with a smile as she said ‘Cherry.’

  Gloria and Tony went into hysterics.

  “Robert told me he would settle for just one kiss.” He said, “There is my offer there is a case of white wine, in the trunk, (It’s in a cooler) take out four bottles, two for us, two for Billy’s car.”

  “You can tell the jerks in the other vehicle your ‘Cherry’ joke. When you get into the back with me, I will kiss you once, and then you can move as far away from me as you want.”

  After a minute, she nodded her cute head,

  “I told Tony to pop the trunk.”

  Alice opened the car door, walked around to the trunk, got four bottles of wine out of the cooler, gave two to the other car and one to Gloria and Tony in the front seat. While Alice was climbing into the back seat, she leaned over and gave me a peck.

  I pulled back and said hold on a minute if I’m to get only one kiss then let’s take a minute to at least have a glass of wine and some cheese and crackers.

  “I said you don’t fool me, Robert, because you’re a P. I. G.”

  “Ok, I will have one glass of wine” Alice said. Did you get Italian cheeses, Robert? Alice continued, Gloria we will give you some cheese and crackers if you both top staring at us. Let’s enjoy the movie.”

  “Alice, you can pull the shade down on your window, I’m going pull the one on the back window and the one on my side down.”

  “Robert,” Alice asked, “Is there something wrong with you?”

  Do you want another glass of wine honey?

  Alice said sure but drop the honey”. I never said you could call me that.”

  “Alice this is Brooklyn,” Robert said, “and the law dictates that if a girl is sitting in the backseat of a car with her boyfriend and there both are drinking whiskey, he or she can call each other honey.”

  “Robert everyone knows your slow,” Alice said, “but even you know we aren’t drinking whiskey.”

  Would you like a Seven & Seven?

  Alice said, “sure honey.”

  At that statement, there was a horrible noise in the front seat. Tony and Gloria fell off the cars’ front seat and on to the floorboard. They got stuck under the steering wheel column.

  I asked Robert are they having sex? It took them five minutes to untangle Tony, and Gloria and get them out of the car. As they were being dragged across the Drive-In, blabbing about the laws of Brooklyn.

  I ended up on Robert’s lap laughing.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I woke up laughing about the dream and couldn’t wait to tell Robert. I looked over at the bed next to me except to see a bandaged Prince smiling waiting to hit me with a wisecrack.

  There was no Robert.

  A nurse came in, she wouldn’t answer, any questions, gave me a needle, and I fell asleep.

  The third day came and no Robert or visitors.

  Alice now had a cast on her right arm. There was something wrong no one has visited her ‘Why?’

  Then it hit her; no one wanted to tell her that he was dead.

  Alice said to herself he not dead, but near because my vision has returned. Alice got out of bed, pulled out the IVs, put a robe on and found a wheelchair in the hallway. The Princess knew the hospital because she was a medical student at the place. She picked up a phone and asked the operator if Robert was a patient. The answer was no.

  Alice checked the Wards; the administration had no listing for Robert or her. Alice was livid that no one would talk to her; he must be dead. Just then she saw a familiar looking woman sitting in the administration lobby. When Alice got closer, The Princess recognized Elizabeth and Grandma, Lily. The Princess never thought she would ever raise her voice at them. Well, times have changed, as Alice got out of her wheelchair. As she walked toward them, she suddenly felled to her knees and put her hands to her face and wailed in desperation because the two ladies waiting for her were crying.

  When Alice was cried out, she stood like a Princess and in a cold, calm voice asked if he was dead? She repeated, if he is not dead can someone tell me where Robert is?

  Queen Elizabeth got up and held the Princess In her arms. We don’t know some doctors say the Prince is dead some say he is alive. Grandma and I were getting our self together before we went to your room. We have prohibited all visitors, including doctors and nurses, because, we didn’t need someone telling you the wrong thing.

  Alice, we pray he is alive said Elizabeth. Grandma is afraid that if he dies, you will die too.

  Alice asked, “where is he?”

  Elizabeth said, “in a hidden room, come we will take you there.”

  Two Soldiers were in front of the suite. The room’s window curtains were closed, the lights were turned off, the only light was some blinking blubs on a piece of medical equipment. Alice turned on the lights and walked towards Robert; she wanted to see if he was alive. Grandma was right; they would be buried together. Not until the Princess was next to the bed did, she picks up a weak sign of life.

  Alice sat on the bed and put his hands in hers.

  Alice told Elizabeth and Grandma that Robert is alive and that is all she could say for now. She wanted them to find an armchair for her to use, she will stay with him for a while. “She kissed and hugged the two women she loved and,” said, “we got a shot here.”

  Robert lived, but he was in a coma slowly dying inside. He was returned to the home on Bleecker Street to be with Alice. The nurses put Robert’s wheelchair in the old third-floor playroom, facing his childhood memories.

  He was unable to communicate with Alice or anyone. But, Robert’s mind allowed him to see and hear what was going on around him. Sitting in his wheelchair, Robert got a good look at their old playground, which was his and Alice’s life for years. Imagine having your memories locked in place for your examination?

  Robert slowly reviewed the many hours that Alice, and he played and dreamed in this small room. He soon realized they were not just playmates but friends, who took care of each other. Basically, his Mother Elizabeth let them get away with just about anything they wanted to do except leave the playroom. Every Saturday night was movie night. They got to watch classic horror movies such as ‘Them’ and ‘The Thing,’ On Channel Nine. There were four of them in the gang, Alice, Robert, Joeann and their dog Lily Kemble.

  It was Grandma Lily’s idea that everyone should receive a weekly allowance (on Saturday) for completing their assigned chores. On Saturday morning the four would rush to the candy store, and each got to pick out their candy, except for the dog who’s decision was given to Alice. A six-pack of grape soda joined a few candy bars, and dog treats to be hid behind the Television set. Around eight at night the four members of the gang made their way upstairs to third floor, three of them were wearing pajamas carrying comic books, three of them had flashlights. At nine o’clock three adults travelled upstaris to the Thrid floor. Turned off the Television set and carried three sleeping children to their bedrooms.

  The playroom or one could make it the secret hide-out was sealed forever in space and time. It was a sad time with Robert in a wheelchair staring at a missing skate which we looked for it for days, and all the time it was wrapped in yellow aged pictures of old-fashioned furniture ripped out of magazines.

  But did Alice know something when she came up from the second-floor bathroom wearing a towel and telling the unmoving Robert that she almost forgot to cover up but just in the last case she would drop her towel as she put her pajamas on. Rosemarie and a few nurses that put Robert down for the night would always say things like “Alice MarieDeVan Lover” you have no shame teseing this poor man.

  I remembered now; Robert said to himself, “my Father came to visit us. We were on the third floor; I was on my back reading a comic book.” The little monster was sitting on my chest; I couldn’t breathe. We heard the footsteps coming up the steps and d
ecided they weren’t threatening.

  In case there was a problem, I haven’t told Alice yet, but I can jump out the third story window and live by grabbed a couple of tree limbs. I am waiting for a chance to do it, grab Alice and jump out of the window to hear her fake scream that would wake-up ‘Brooklyn.’

  I love my father, but he surprised both of us, He told “me that your mother said you Robert, must have to stay with Princess Alice forever so get over it. My Dad, John, King of the Soldiers, picked up Alice by her shoulders and asked her where does she usually sit?

  “Any place I want the” Princess said.

  So, dad dropped a bunch of pictures he had been carrying on to the bed along with a little Princess. The pictures were of furniture for their upcoming apartment; the pictures were taken out of magazines by Queen Elizabeth, she hopes someday Alice will look through them. He talked to his son for a while then kissed both of them and left.

  “Thanks for the porn, Dad,” Alice yelled.

  The dad was the ‘King of the Soldiers’ and couldn’t wait to tell the boys what the little Princess said.

  Robert was paralyzed, he could sense Alice’s presence, which made him want to live another day. He would spend the day going over all the stupid things they did in the playland. At night the Soldier nurses and Rosemarie would face him down on the bed so when Alice came, she could put her hand on his nightshirt and transfer some healing power. But, Alice would put her arm around him. Sometimes she would tell him everything she did and saw that day, other times she would cry.

  He knew he was dying, but he couldn’t tell anyone. I guess my thoughts will go out to Alice eventually. Right now, he couldn’t talk or send messages to her. He listened to Alice talk to him; the pets were always hanging around and jumping on his lap., her girlfriends were amusing when they were on the phone. Robert believed it keep him alive.

  Grandma Lily and Joeann have moved back into the house on Bleecker Street.

  Each morning grandma waited until she hears Alice is in the bathroom before she rushes off to work, knowing Robert was still alive.

  Alice graduated from medical school (Two years early). She started her three to seven years residency right away. Since Alice can read the patient’s mind and perform visual X-rays & or MRI’s all she needs in the results of lab tests to find out what is the patients’ condition and prescribe treatment and or medical procedure.

  Robert was still in a coma, and there was no sign of improvement, Alice postponed her medical training career and decided to teach the blind. That way she would have more time to take care of Robert. So, she became a schoolteacher at a local high school for the impaired. Alice wanted to get out of the house it was hard to be next to him all day. A Soldier’s nurse took over when she left home. IV’s was feeding him, and she held his hand as she talked to him all night of what was going on, they would listen to a radio program ‘The shadow knows’ with her head on his hands.

  Alice had the gang nearby, to talk to, shop with, eat with and laugh with, Robert was still alive. Thus, Alice had eyesight when she got home.

  Gloria and Sarah also, moved in to spend time with the Prince, and his Princess. Each morning a different girl would go to the third floor, kiss the Prince and jump on Alice to wake her up. It became such a regular activity that Alice and Lily Kemble (Dog) would lie in wait for the attack.

  A week later, Alice started a teaching job at a local Catholic High School for the blind. Every morning the girls would get dressed, go fuss with Robert and then walk to ‘The Diner.’

  Gloria and Sarah usually left for work before Alice, and Joeann got up.

  Grandma would check on Robert and contact her daughter, Elizabeth and update her on what is going on. The Soldiers have been advising the Kings daily on Robert’s condition

  While Alice took a shower, Joeann would organize the house. Since Robert was near, Alice could pick out her clothes and make-up. They locked the house found her cane: then they were off to ‘The Diner.’

  Grandma, Lily was always worried until the girls showed up, she kept on peeking out The Diner’s windows. Making sure Alice wasn’t walking by herself (With only a cane).

  Freddy would tell Lily the same thing every morning, stop worrying she on her way, and stop peeking out the window. Joeann is with her today, and you know they will be here on time (Joeann loves to eat). Meanwhile, our place is packed so let’s get busy.

  Half the shopkeepers yelled a greeting to ‘Alice’ the other half ran over to greet her. Flatbush Avenue was a noisy thruway, with an elevated subway, automobiles, trucks, and general street clamor. But Alice cane’s earthquake sounds rose over the normal every day’s noises and went straight to the peoples’ hearts.

  Alice’s fans were many and all. They would say things like you’re beautiful. Hi, Alice is everything all right whatever happened to what’s his name. Alice would return a question concerning Robert by saying something like Mrs. Meadows, Robert left me for a drunken blond-haired slut so I will have to go back to be your husband’s lover.

  Everyone in listening distance roared with laughter, included Mrs. Meadows

  After a few hugs from Grandma Lily, and a blouse adjustment, Alice’s skirt if needed was pulled down, and a smudge of lipstick remove from the face, Alice sat down with Joeann’s help and waited for Gloria, the wise-cracking waitress and friend.

  Gloria would start things off by saying something like, ‘Good Morning’ Joeann and Ms. Blob. My name is Gloria, and I will be your server today. She would put down two cups of coffee and a small pitcher of cream and a little bowl containing sugar and a small spoon on the table.

  Alice always had something fresh to say to Gloria. One time she asked, “Gloria are you wearing that new perfume called ‘Dead Duck’ on your small breasts?”

  Alice didn’t have to order at this restaurant when her father was the chef. Freddy loved to create meals for his daughter and her friends. As you know, Alice is blind without Robert being near. But Freddy had the server describe Alice’s breakfast, which she thought was cute the way they did it.

  First things first, Grandma Lily always put a large white napkin around Alice’s chin and made sure it covers her chest. She then took one of Alice’s hands and showed her where the silverware and her cup of coffee was.

  Cut fresh strawberries over picked blueberries, with sweet cream, started off the breakfast. Open range eggs with Maine lobster and cheddar cheese made a perfect omelet. Packets of fried Canadian bacon and homemade sausage wrapped in strings of roasted red pepper lay next to it. Toasted white wonder bread with butter or your choice of jam or jelly was also available.

  Freddy made the waitress describe the meal as it was being served. Gloria using a thick Brooklyn accent, while chewing gum, performed. She also had a few snide remarks about her customers, like; Joeann do not eat the plates we need them, and Alice why do your students called you Ms. Pain in the ass?

  Alice laughing told Gloria to try having sex with Tony more than once a year. It might improve your attitude.

  Joeann had poached eggs with bacon and homemade fried hash browns. To prepare the potatoes, they baked them first then sliced them up, and then they are grilled with a touch of olive oil, sweet onions, and a little cheese. This side dish was her favorite.

  Joeann loved Alice’s brother Steven. She was also, a significant player in the chain of ‘Prosciutto Sandwich Shops.’ Joeann was second in charge of the sandwich employees, firing, hiring, and schedules. Uncle Joe was her boss.

  Breakfast ended with two lunch bags and kisses and hugs between the three girls.

  If the weather was nice on Sunday, everyone would get together and take Robert to the backyard for some Sun. A table and chairs would be set up for coffee and cookies. Each young woman would read a section of the Sunday papers to Robert.

  Joeann was reading the comics when she suddenly switched to a heavy German accent. G
loria asked why are you doing the German stuff?

  Alice knew why, but it hurt to answer the question.

  Joeann said when we were little, Robert used to read us the ‘Katzenjammer Kids’ cartoon-strip with a German accent, and we laughed till we fell off our chairs.

  Joeann screamed that Robert had smiled.

  Alice was the first one there and didn’t see any change in him.

  Robert’s wheelchair was in front of the table, and only Joeann could have seen him. Everyone checked Robert out, but they didn’t see any change.

  The girls had to leave to attend afternoon visits and parties they asked Alice to come, but she wanted to stay with Robert. She asked the Soldier to bring him upstairs she noticed something else through, Lily Kemble, and the bunny was laying in front of Robert they never did that before.

  A few weeks when by and nothing unusual happened. Everyone seemed in a flunk, so Alice got the idea of a Friday night dinner party. Robert would stay upstairs it would be too depressing for everyone to have him at the table.

  Freddy and Grandma Lily, Uncle Carmine, Aunt Joan, Carmine Jr., Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary the girls and guys, even Grandma Marie had been invited.

  Tony was telling a funny story about the sandwich shop’s customers. He said in most of the Junior High Schools there is a mad rush to the sandwich shop when the lunch bells go off. Every male in Brooklyn is trying to be the first one to the counter. There has been only one family to make money on this mad rush, and that was Johnnie B’s parents. They picked up a few thousand dollars in insurance money when their kid had the lead one day until he was taken out by a truck and dragged to his death. Even today, in Brooklyn, when someone says who’s first? The name Johnnie B’s is yelled out.

  The Uncles and Aunts went upstairs as soon as they arrived. When they came down; the Aunts hugged Alice, while the men drank shots of brandy.

  The meal consisted of a salad, appetizers, spaghetti with meatballs and sausages.