Alice's Soldiers Page 16
“Robert told Alice that is something is attacking my mind. I find it’s hard to concentrate. All I want to do is lie down where it’s dark and quiet. Robert continued, Alice I think something is going to attack us this evening.”
The first business meeting between the Brooklyn families was held at ‘The Dinner’ They could not find Mrs. Clare DeVan or her stepson, Steven DeVan to advise them of the meeting.
The attendees:
Marie DeVan (Freddy’s Mother).
Freddy & Lily DeVan, with son Tony and daughter Alice.
Robert & Billy the two stepsons were present
Joseph & Mary DeVan (Family Doctor).
Carmine & Claire DeVan and son Carmine Jr. (Carmine is the Police Chief of Brooklyn and is Alice Devan’s Godfather.)
Lily Kemble with grandsons, Robert and Billy.
Location: Freddy & Lily’s Restaurant called ‘The Diner,’
Flatbush, Bushwick in Brooklyn.
Robert addressed the group
He said we have called this meeting to announce that the ‘Fifth Avenue Apartment Complex’ is ready. Freddy and his wife, Lily will live on the fourth floor, Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary also will live on the fourth floor with Uncle Carmine, Aunt Joan, and their son, Carmine Junior. The young men have a three-bedroom apartment on the third floor. Gloria and her mother Betty have a two-bedroom apartment on the third floor along with Tracy and her two daughters Joeann and Sarah.
Robert started the meeting off the ‘Prosciutto Sandwich Shops.’ Is the name of our company this entity is a partnership between Alice and myself? As you all know, my mother, Elizabeth has played a significant part in this enterprise by supplied the funding, product, and leadership.
“Alice, and I, with the help of everyone in this room, have not only opened the first ‘Prosciutto Shop,’ but also, we now have expanded our stores to twenty-two locations.
“Robert continued, for your information, there have been some significant movements in our business. After confiding with my mother, we have changed the ‘Prosciutto’ company:
“Alice and I are leaving all the family’s activities because we have commitments to the military and the Royal Court. We must continue our military training and will be leaving in a few months.
“A new corporation entitled ‘Prosciutto Playland’ is in play.
“The officers are, as requested by my mother, Elizabeth:
President; Freddy DeVan.
Vice Presidents; Joseph DeVan, Carmine DeVan and, Lily Kemble.
Associates; Tony and Steven DeVan, Billy, Gloria, Joanne, Sarah, Tracy, and Betty.
One thousand shares will go to each officer, and five hundred will go to each associate.
I will turn now, this meeting over to your President, Freddy DeVan.
“Freddy said hello to everybody.”
Everyone in the room got up and clapped. Both grandmas rushed up to him and kissed the new president.
“Freddy said our accountants and banking representatives have stated that we have a reliable company, and with a joint effort, we could become a possible nationwide business.”
A standing ovation greeted the last statement.
“Alice stepped in;” she said, “our apartment house is ready.” We will call it the ‘Fifth Avenue.’ Everyone here will live there rent-free.
For the people who have not moved in yet, each apartment has a balcony, washer, and dryers, full kitchen and many other goodies.
Elizabeth sure loves us; we have private guards, which we will discuss at a closed meeting. There is a full Spa, swimming pool, and Gym on the roof. I have an office and private classroom for my students. They are blind, and we have apartments for them and their parents on the First floor. Uncle Carmine’s son, Junior will assist me in the new school. On the second floor is the home and headquarters for the Soldiers.”
“Uncle Carmine asked Robert about Alice’s safety.”
“Robert answered Alice has her apartment and plenty of Soldiers to protect her and everyone else in the building.”
Alice said, “Uncle Carmine, I am moving tonight to the ‘Fifth Avenue’ after this meeting. The girls right now are setting up my new flat for a party.”
“Someone asked, have you and Robert seen the apartment?”
Aunt Mary, I will see it for the first time, tonight, if Robert has time. I understand it’s beautiful. I don’t know or care what Robert will do, and I don’t care if he is leaving.”
All I know is that I will live together with my family in the same building. I’m not sure if I will see, but the first floor of the building will be my school to teach the blind.
Alice said he would not involve him in the day-to-day activities. “He is now an outside contractor who supplies the “Prosciutto.” If we can find the same product at a lower price, we will change vendors.”
Alice continued, I know everyone has a thousand questions, please call me after I finish my first-class tomorrow.
Thank you, but I received notice that there are military people here to address us. Please, Uncles and Grandmas, stay. There will be a party later.
They brought in drinks and refreshments for the remaining group.
Twenty minutes later four people in uniforms entered the office, two Generals, a doctor and a private.
Uncle Carmine got up and hugged the private, and then introduced the man to all by saying this is my son Kevin, he when missing in action during the ‘Invasion of Normandy.’
Kevin acknowledged his father, then walked over to Alice, kneeled and said my ‘Princess.’
Alice stood up bend over and kissed Kevin’s forehead.
Alice had read Kevin’s mind when he came into the room. So, she had the Soldier’s life experience in a minute. She asked Robert if we should keep him with us?
Yes, I have already instructed the Soldiers to assign him to guard his Father, Carmine.
“The Generals introduced themselves, by saying we do not know where the Soldiers come from, but we have about a thousand walking around our complexes and installations. We believe the Soldiers have something to do with Robert and Alice. We know Robert’s father is their King. Thus, Elizabeth is their Queen. “
We know that Elizabeth came to Brooklyn over twenty years ago with two babies, Robert, and Alice to raise them in safety. She stayed with them until she had to reunite with her husband.
The General continued, Alice is from a different family. Her family goes back centuries she has ancient noble blood. Her mother is the queen of all the families.
Without your knowledge, except for Robert, we have been building with the Soldiers, our new headquarters underneath the Fifth Avenue Complex. We already have a full hospital, commissary, and barracks, administrative offices to take care of five thousand troops. At present, there are Five thousand additional Soldiers on the way here.
The Uncles just sat there in partial shock. Alice had already read their minds and was up to date.
Alice, said, “my adopted Mother Claire is entering The Diner.”
“The first one to speak was a General who said, “Alice, don’t go running down there and think you can solve this problem. He pulled down a portable screen about four feet wide and five feet high. Now Alice, tell Robert what you see before we have any unnecessary deaths.”
Alice didn’t want to do it but, what the hell.
Alice yelled “Robert, do nothing, don’t move, she ordered, as he was climbing out the window.”
Is he scared an unidentified General asked?
The soldier gave him a look that could kill.
“No one move”, Alice said in a cold, powerful voice, watch the screen. “A picture of the front of ‘The Diner.’ appeared. The view was clear as a bell. Mrs. DeVan and her son Steven were walking up the steps and then through the front doo
r. The viewers could hear the woman demanding to see Freddy. Gloria escorted the two while pinching Steven ass, to a small private dining room and asked Mrs. DeVan to wait for a few minutes.”
Ten large men walked into ‘The Diner’ pushing and shoving the customers around. They were not teenagers but still sported ‘Norman’ jackets. Carmine stood up and said, “my guys, will take care of this. We threw this gang out of our Country before we can do it again.”
Alice said,” wait a minute Uncle, Robert is talking.”
“He is telling me we must get all the customers and employees out of ‘The Diner’ now. Tell Kevin to get a few of the Soldiers to help him take care of that right now. Tell Uncle Carmine the men downstairs have poison on their clubs.”
Alice was reading each of punk’s minds. She summarizes the vital information and then transfers this data to Robert, and the General’s projector.
The screen showed information for each man; it contained the man’s name, address Photo, and a list of violations of Federal and state statutes the individual believes he has violated.
Everyone in the room stared at Alice in awe.
Carmine said to himself she doesn’t need Robert.
A picture of a strange looking man sitting on The Diner’s steps appeared. Tattoos covered his face; there wasn’t anything unusual about his weight or height. The gangsters in the diner look like they were waiting for his orders.
Alice got into his head got his name and ran his history. She told “Uncle Carmine to call the Soldiers and close the street. This guy is a monster he is wanted in about twenty countries for murder and more. The man on the screen is protecting the ten men inside. He believes the gangsters sitting downstairs should take us without a problem, and this guy up front would kill any Soldiers or cops who show up.”
Robert’s face appeared on the screen. He shouted “Alice don’t go near him. He’s a walking bomb.” The Soldiers are getting together some heavy weapons, but that will take time. You have five invisible Soldiers to protect you. In half an hour there should be a hundred Soldiers here.
The screen then printed a message from Alice to Robert.
“Robert, you are right this creep sitting on the front steps is one of the top professional killers in the world, plus it looks like there is something deadly in his mouth.”
Carmine was on the phone with his people giving orders about what they should do; we will bring them all down to the station and put them in jail.
Alice said “my ‘God’ Uncle, hold on. The one guy waiting on the outside stoop is here to kill your men.”
So, what, my men are armed.
“Carmine,” Alice said, it’s a set up “the guy in front, he is wearing poison nails, one scratch and you’re dead. He is carrying various guns and knives. His muscle skeleton shows that the killer was one of the most muscular men I have ever seen. He’s a walking bomb, and he has something perilous in his mouth.”
Alice said, Uncle Carmine close the block down and wait for the Soldiers to kill him; he is here to die.
Alice said Robert is coming near ‘The Diner’ entrance. Sure enough, a man walked out of the night; it was Robert, he stopped in front of the person on the stoop and sat next to him.
“Grandma cried,” she said, “Alice do something.”
Alice said, there isn’t anything I can do.
Everyone in the room was talking at once.
Then the action started, the killer stood up, jumped into the air, turn his face around and spit down at Robert. It took three men to hold Alice down.
Carmine said, “he killed Robert.”
When the killer spit at Robert everything turned into slow motion before the liquid could reach Robert. Somehow, he changed places with the guy and put him in front of the fluid which hit a screaming face.
The men in ‘The diner’ were in shock A Soldier’s truck pulled up, and a giant got out, he went to the back of the truck pulled out a garbage can, put it down on the ground, Robert picked up the killer by the collar and threw him into the container. The soldier sealed the top in the trash can and sat down next to Robert. They were both smoking cigarettes. In a minute there was an explosion in the trash can. The Soldier got up, saluted Robert, put the can into his truck and left.
Robert stood up and pointed to the men in The Diner and motioned them to come outside, which they did. Each one of them walked out after seeing what Robert did to their leader they wanted to run. But they still pulled out their guns and knives and approached Robert. He kneed down, waiting for death.
The people in the office had been watching the action. They praised Robert’s ability to kill the creep, but now they didn’t understand why he is acting so stupid. There was plenty of help on the way. All the military and men in the office wanted to go downstairs and help.
Alice in a clear voice said Robert has just set up these murders and rapist so sit down and enjoy the show. Grandma, Lily was crying, Alice sat next to her and held her tight.
Robert was still kneeling. The creeps heard the machine guns start, saw the straight lines of ‘Red Death’ and felt the intense pain of the exploding bullets as they hit their bodies. The last thing they saw was Robert smoking a cigarette looking at them.
A military truck arrived in front of ‘The Diner.’ The driver got out, and a few Soldiers dropped off ten trash cans and filled them with corpses. Soon they heard interior explosions from the cans, solving the evidence issue. A team of cleaners arrived cleaned the street, put the trash cans in the truck and left. A cab pulled up, Mrs. Clare DeVan and her son got in and left.
That night invisible men raided thirty gang locations and killed over one hundred ‘Norman’ members.
Carmine joined his men and said we see you later.
Uncle Joe said the same.
Freddy kissed Alice on the cheek, gave her a quick hug and left in a rush, I must help Lily, and the boys get the food and booze over to your apartment and then set up for the party.
The Generals were in a depth discussion with Alice about her upcoming training. Robert climbed into the window and asked if everything was all right?
Alice said yes and walked toward him.
“Robert held his hand up” and said “please no one come near me. I may be infected. He slipped out the window and disappeared into the night.”
“In about ten minutes,” Alice stated: “I lost my sight again, Generals could you please take me to my apartment, we can finish our conversation there.”
Not being able to see is horrible, said Alice” Why couldn’t Robert take me to the apartment? I wanted to cry, but I refused to give him the satisfaction. Why am I in such a horrible mood, Alice said to herself?”
The car ride was short as we stopped at a red light, I noticed, I need a pedicure my nails look horrible. There were two Soldiers at the entrance, one on each side of the front door.
I told General Adams that Robert must be in the apartment because my vision has returned. When they arrived, each Soldier on duty received a kiss.
“Gloria came running down the stairs yelling” that Freddy said” you couldn’t see.” Two dogs came flying down the steps, almost knocking down Gloria.
Alice yelled at the second dog who was doing the chasing; she said Lily Kemble stop that.
Gloria, said, “she won’t stop, that is her brother, ‘Buster Brown Shoes,’ he has been staying with the Soldiers.”
Could you help me get by Robert, so I could put on the hot dress we got last week? My brother said all my clothes are here. I know that massive creep is at the bar telling a group of blond bitches what a great guy he is. And how he just killed one of the worst monsters on the planet. Gloria if I see any half-naked blonds walking around tonight, I will throw them off the balcony.”
Gloria said “I don’t think so. Robert told me he was hurting and had to lay down and asked me to show you the new
Alice let me show you what Elizabeth and your Mother created for you.
“Alice said, Gloria, we fought last night I don’t know what caused it. He said something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure it out. Robert and I have stopped talking.”
Gloria said, “what are you talking about; he saved many lives including yours. One day Alice you going to wake up with him gone. No other man would put up with your game playing.”
“Alice said something happens to us even before the massacre. For some reason I get upset with anything Robert does. My family can’t understand what wrong with me.”
Alice said “Mr. Big-Shot walked away as if he was too important to have anything to do with us. I don’t understand why he thinks we are beneath him. The last time I saw him, he was sulking off into a dark alley and had no time for the Generals in my office.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
If that guy hurt him why didn’t he tell me? His Grandma was panic-stricken when she saw that guy spit death at him, but he could at least go back to the meeting, and tell Grandma he was all right.”
Gloria said Oh my God, what happened? After I put Clare and Steven into the private room, I ran to my car dragging, Joeann, and Sarah with me. Joeann didn’t know Steven was with his Stepmother.”
Alice said “Robert was the ‘Absolute Hero’ as usual. He saved everybody, put his life on the line let no one help him. But to be honest, no one could have helped him. He faced death and could have got maimed for life.”
But Robert’s attitude upset me he thinks he better than everyone else. I don’t know what is wrong with us. It’s like something hit both of our nervous systems and turn us hating each other. I should move on without him, blind and all, throw his ass out of my apartment.
I asked the Soldier on duty where was Robert?
“He is in the back bedroom” said the Soldier. The Prince said he has to” leave when you go to sleep. He wouldn’t tell us where he was going. The Soldier continues we asked him again, he just brushed us off.”