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Alice's Soldiers Page 18
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Page 18
Alice two other requests don’t hurt Gloria and run after this guy is dead.
Alice, sorry one more thing, Billy has taken over the television camera, and all he is doing is filming Sarah ass, as she serves drinks in her tight bunny suit, talk to him. Tell him to shoot Gloria as she tries to attack you and her upcoming death. Gloria is going to come into the ring to kiss and hug me. I want you to deck her to delay the fight. She will play dead. Tony and Billy will carry her out; they will drop her a few times to further delay the match.
A beautiful young woman took the mike from Chuck and introduced herself. I am Alice Marie DeVan Lover.
As soon as she sat down, she looked at the ring and jumped up in front of about 300,000 viewers and roared, Robert I will go into that ring and take those disgusting tiny pants off you and make you put on regular fighter’s trunks. It looks like you’re wearing a pair of used prostitute’s panties. Robert, you are an embarrassment to our families.
Guys for your information ‘Robert of Brooklyn’ is one of your sponsors. We are pushing signed Battle fighting trunks for twenty bucks a pair. The two Channel Nine employees couldn’t keep their eyes off Alice. She was a beautiful woman. Being at least six feet four, with high heels a little taller. Alice wore a tight black cocktail dress with white pearls around her neck and one arm. Her black nylons were fantastic. One look at her and people didn’t want to stop looking.
Chuck asked do you know the kid in the ring?
Sure do, Robert is my ex-boyfriend. He wants to pay me for sex.
Now Chuck and Doug and the thousands of listeners were getting interested in this woman.
Listen to this Chuck, me, this guy and my first husband, Bruce were in an insane asylum and that man (She got up and pointed at Robert), killed my husband. He then offered me 100,000 dollars in cash and a million dollars penthouse in Brooklyn, with no expenses, forever if I would put out for him for one day.
I want to leave it up to your audience, should I put out for Robert? Should Robert change his trunks? Please call Chuck or Doug for your vote. Now here is your mike I have a few chores to take care of, then I must announce the Fight.
Alice first stop was at Uncle Carmine’s table. A short conversation where Alice said One & One. This statement got Carmine excited. He remained sitting and made a few hands signals. He repeated the signs, sat back in his chair and lit up a cigar. Within a second a ‘Seven & Seven’ appeared in front of him.
Next stop was the bar where Alice had to find a Queen. Which she did, right in the middle of the long-polished bar was a beautiful Queen, selling beer for 50 cents a glass.
Alice saw the lady and jumped up and down. The lady told her to stop with a hand signal.
Alice delivered the message ‘Yes, one’ as she was in a spy movie, smacking gum.
The lady went along with the mystery theme, to the complete enjoyment of Alice. They were both giggling. The older women put her arms around Alice and said, a beautiful princess, finish your job, as she placed a drop of perfume on her. The aroma was amazing. Alice, I must vote no on your sex question. Your Father and I want you to wait till you get married.
Alice, ‘The King’ is hosting a party at your apartment for the other eleven families. Freddy is catering it. Some families’ Kings and Queens are in attendance They are your father friends, and they want to get a look at the next ‘King and Queen of All.’ Honey we will find out tonight what they think.
Ma! Look at Robert he’s at least Seven feet five and a good 320 pounds of muscle; he will fight at least four giant killers. He will be beat-up by tonight.
The Queen said come here Alice, and she whispered something into her ear.
Alice said awe that’s disgusting, but with a smile.
Alice raced to the ring. Meanwhile, Sarah was standing next to Billy and his TV camera, right in front of the ring. Alice was moving fast as she grabbed her purse from Sarah’s outstretched arm and continued into the ring without an embarrassing display of underwear.
Now is was Gloria’s chance to shine; she was carrying a baseball bat in which she already used on two guards, now her bat was bloody. Gloria was walking across the ring like she was in some voodoo trance. She was ‘Shrieking’ don’t hurt my lover Robert. Gloria wore skin-tight red short-shorts with a little top. Her hair had a fascinating insane uncontrolled look. It matched her face which someone tried to paint a devil on it but failed.
Gloria went right after Alice with a shriek and a swinging baseball bat.
Alice ducked below the swinging club and nailed Gloria with an uppercut. It wasn’t a problem they have been play-fighting for years. Gloria had to have gone up in the air a good four feet to come down with an excellent three-foot bounce off the canvas.
Billy had the camera rolling in the right place for a change. He was standing right behind Alice while filming the upcoming battle for now 15 million viewers.
It thrilled the announcers, but they assumed the broadcast was not getting to the networks, they were wrong. The Channel Nine’s telephone rang.
Doug answered it. Hello, Doug here. Right, but we can’t stop it. A woman named Alice who is Robert of Brooklyn ex-girlfriend has drugged us. A guy named Billy has the camera, he films his girlfriend, Sarah.
Yes, Mark, they have been feeding us with cocktails and sandwiches the food is excellent. Don’t get excited, said Doug “this whole thing is a set up like a soap opera.” Chuck said “the ‘Fights’ are just staged events, with fake blood. The boxers are actors they will put on a better show than the current Wrestler’s staged events. But this crowd is dangerous. A lot of guns opened knives, and baseball bats are being carried in the open.”
Robert said, “Grandma will kill Gloria for being drunk, and what she is wearing if she could catch her.”
Tony and Billy dragged Gloria out of the ring and turned her over to a medic.
Unknown to most people these deaths battles have been going on for hundreds of years in foreign countries and the USA.
After an advertising break, Chuck said hello, this is Doug, and I am Chuck. This is a live sporting event that is being broadcasted throughout the Nation and overseas.
The bell went off, and ‘The Beast’ flew out of his corner and across the ring. Robert had both of his arms laying on the top of the ropes with his head turned to talk to a spectator. It looked like he didn’t have a care in the world. ‘The Beast’ transformed himself into a flying missile with his bald head straight, arms tight against his body as it looked like he slammed into Robert’s body. One announcer was already screaming that Robert was dead.
Alice knew he would evade the creep, and he did that as the fighter was about to hit him Robert shifted his body to the right side-stepped his opponent. Causing ‘The Beast’ to slam his head right into the brass iron, corner ring pole causing his immediate death.
The viewers either saw it or heard the head crushed. They replayed the horrific fight’s ending repeatedly. The fighter’s head got stuck in the pole.
Mark from Channel Nine’s headquarters called, he said his guys didn’t make it past the Brooklyn border, someone arrested them.
Alice announced; the fight’s audience has increased to fifteen million, and they have voted 10 to one to keep Robert’s present fighting trucks on, and we should sell them. Also, a hundred to one I, Alice should put out for Robert.
It was impossible to remove the dead body from the auditorium because the heavy equipment they needed to pull the pole, out of his head wouldn’t fit in the Arena. So instead of cutting the head off the body, the morgue techs removed the iron pole from the floor. They laid ‘The Beast’ with a pole going through his head in the middle of the mat. A member of his family covered him with a tablecloth
During the delay, Robert jumped out of the ring and landed next to Alice as she was talking to the TV audience. Chuck fell out of his seat when a Seven foot almost naked man landed
on top of him. Robert sat in his chair and took a double shot of whiskey from Sarah. After the drink, Robert kissed Alice and returned to the Ring to accept the victory.
Alice said, well that was disgusting.
To transport the body, the morgue workers had to stand it up with the iron pole still sticking through the head. Members of his family went insane when they saw ‘The Beast’s’ head wedged between a large Iron Pole.
A small Irish band was playing the ‘Death March’ as the head passed his family’s table. Two older relatives dropped dead on the spot from heart attacks. Five young men rushed the ring with knives out and a lot of noise. Two young men died in seconds from Robert’s blows. The remaining three young men stopped their noise, dropped their knives left their courage and stepped backward until they disappeared.
The audience screamed that Robert was the devil because they never saw his hands move. But just in time, the giant size TV screen high on the auditorium wall was telecasting the questioned incident in slow-motion. Sure enough, they saw that Robert’s hands were moving.
Alice changed her outfit into something more comfortable. A short summer dresses. When she got into the ring to show Robert the audience when nuts, they were clapping and cheering. She was swirling her dress, in time with the drum player’s beat, which was driving all the men crazy. Grandma Lily shouted to her to stop that. Robert grabbed her, picked her up kissed her and then whispered something in her ear. She whispered something back and left the ring.
Alice had already completed prep work on the second subject ‘Death’ a six four creature at about 300 pounds of muscle. He was dumber than ‘Bat-shit’ and undefeated. It didn’t take her long to run through his mind. ‘Death’ was a drug addict, just like everyone else in his family.
He was a Romano, a member of her adopted Mother’s Sicilian family; they were behind the Italian syndicate that controls the drug distribution throughout Europe. The Romano’s used, produced and sold every drug known to man. They also dealt with white slavery, assassination, and prostitution.
Alice recognized a few names, connected to Clare’s family. The man Clare wanted her to marry was a lieutenant in the family.
Robert had told her about these gangsters’ years ago, but she wouldn’t listen. He told Alice that this was the gang who tried to kill him and kidnap her when they were ten years old, and, behind the five hoodlums on Flatbush Avenue who hurt her and put me in a coma were part of Death’s family.
Robert and Alice had plenty of time to get ready for the second Fight, between the time to remove the bodies and repair the Ring.
“Joeann picked up the microphone and faced Sarah who was handling the camera: she spoke to the audience and gave them a blow by a blow history lesson on the two families prior battles and that everyone should get ready for a bloodbath.”
“Mark of headquarters called and said Channel Nine’s viewership has increased to 20 million. He said they have been replaying the first fight, during the delay.”
When Alice gave Uncle Carmine the betting code, he told her something that knocked her off her feet. Chief Carmine held Alice’s arm as he explained to her that Steven has thirty employees accepting wagers that are now coming in from the Eleven Families throughout the World. So far, Steven has dropped shipped 100 million dollars to other gambling outfits. He continued with an automatic cut of five percent, minus expenses, means we have already made 5 million dollars.
Joeann told the millions of Television viewers and the tens of millions of ‘Radio’ listeners she would announce the rest of the ‘Fights’’ because the original guys, Doug and Chuck are dead drunk.
Management (Grandma, Lily) let them sit in their chairs but has stopped their announcing duties, so they joined the giant party that is surrounding the ring.
Joeann continued, while we are waiting for ‘Death’ and his crew to enter the ring, we are watching, ‘Robert of Brooklyn’ who has just killed ‘The Beast’ and two of his cousins, preparing for the next contest by pressing beers at the bar while talking to an attractive woman wearing a Queens costume.
The sound of a few loud bell’s rings halted the various fist fights and drinking contests going on around the auditorium and brought the audience’s attention to the ‘Ring.’ Alice pulled down the microphone line, and with her beautiful body standing under a spotlight, she waved back at the fans. She said: “Ladies and Gentlemen as a member of the Jackie Gleason’s Always Party Committee I must notify you that the Country of Brooklyn has Nationalized Channel Nine and their employees assigned to Brooklyn.”
The fight fans shattered the arena’s windows with their roar.
Alice continued now let’s get ready for our second fight with the undefeated ‘Death’ against my dreamboat ‘Robert of Brooklyn.’ Robert had just returned to the ring.
‘Death’ was staring at Alice.
Alice introduced the fighters.
As soon as Alice finished her introduction and was leaving the ring, ‘Death’ ran over to her and grabbed her by the hair pulling her down to the mat.
Alice jumped up and in one movement turned and smashed him in the face knocking him down on his ass.
‘Death’ stood up laughing and told her she was about to die.
He was wrong about who was about to die. ‘Death’ met his name in a few seconds. Robert flew from the ropes he was leaning against, as he passed ‘Death’ he grabbed; Death’s head with two hands rolled over and snapped the man head, killing him. Robert then rolled back over the man body, still holding Death’s head and snapped it again. When Robert stood up, the crowd realized Death’s head was on backward.
Robert dragged the dead body with one hand across the ring and stopped in front of the Romano’s table. He laid the body against the ropes with the backward head facing them, he picked up one of Death’s arms and waved it towards his family.
Robert then went over to Alice who was still standing in the Ring, with a pissed off look. He ducked under her swing, picked her up and babied talk to her. They have been communicating a mind to mind with each other before they attacked Alice.
Alice had told Robert that she knew ‘Death’ planned on jumping her. So, she had moved before he did, by falling just as he was about to grab her hair, she could spring up to punch him before his brain caught up his with body movements. That is how she could have knocked him on his ass. Alice said, “Honey I think you killed my second cousin, Ralph.”
Robert picked her up jumped over the ring and handed her to Grandma Lily and Freddy.
Robert then jumped back into the ring in one leap, then onto the top of Iron Corner Pole. Where he howled like an ancient animal? The mighty roars caused shivers through the crowd and the media listeners throughout the World.
Meanwhile, three huge men rushed the ring with guns. The Soldiers shot each of the professional killers twice in the head as they hit the ropes. Witnesses said they heard the shots fired, saw the bullet flashes, but no one saw a shooter.
Facing another body removal delay, Alice and Robert went back into the cell-block to plan their next move. The inmates upon seeing them went insane, which was hard to tell because a lot of them were already nuts. The guards solved the problem for a few autographs; they put Robert and Alice into a supervisor office. But the inmates could still see them because the wall that is facing the cell blocks “was blocked glass. Robert immediate laid down on a couch and tried to get a few winks.
Alice said,” honey, no breaks, we can’t slack off now, one mistake and you could get killed.”
“Robert, there are five fighters left” said Alice. The opponent you replaced in the second round in going to fight one of them.”
They scheduled Robert to fight a guy named Johnny Taylor. He was seven two and four hundred pounds. He was undefeated at 25 wins one tie. According to Alice, the guy was brain dead and was moving around on speed. His one draw was with the current World Champi
oned, Wu Chow.
Robert must defeat Johnny Taylor and then Wu Chow. To end his day then take Alice to bed. But Robert’s present problem was his assistant Alice who was more interested in cuddling than going over statistics. They were both thinking about something other than fighting.
So, it was Robert who had to force her up and away.
Back at work, it was clear they had to find physical breakability in Taylor. Alice thinks she noticed something after going over her ex-rays again. She discovered a tiny dark line in the top of Taylor skull.
After taken a brutal beating for three rounds, Robert figured out how to beat this guy. Robert had knocked him down a few times, but he got up and laughed. This guy is so loaded with drugs you can’t hurt him.
So, Robert must confuse him, then kill him. There was no other way. The first thing was to make him think he was winning.
Knock, Knock, Knock. No answered Alice was joking around with Chuck, Doug, Sarah, and Gloria. So, I had to throw Taylor’s body right at them.
The body landed on top of Gloria who already had a terrible day. To took Chuck and Doug and the girls to get him back in the ring.
“Robert are you trying to be funny,” said Alice?
“You are not answering my calls, and I need your help,” Alice.
Alice said “what we could do for Mr. America? I need the girls to distract him. Have the three nitwits stand ringside and when I am standing between them and my opponent, have them flash him.”
“Robert, what in hell are you talking about, Alice said?”
“Alice tell them they must take off their bras and flash their tits.”
Robert just because I call them pigs that don’t mean they are. Mister, they are our best friends.
Alice, I must distract this guy to win. Tell the girls I will give them 5,000 per flash.
Robert took a few appropriate shots to the body on purpose. The girls did the job, and they enjoyed the hell out. Robert ran right passed Taylor who was busy staring at the girls; he didn’t notice him.
Robert hit the ropes at high speed and worked his legs, so he could travel up in the air as far as possible and came down with a right to the top of Taylor’s head; he came straight down and smashed him right in the middle of the skull. Robert was coming down so fast he rolled off Taylor’s shoulder.