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Alice's Soldiers Page 19

  Robert must have heard something because he sat there and looked at Taylor’s face and waited.

  Taylor didn’t act hurt.

  Alice reaffirmed Robert’s belief; she flashed him information that Taylor’s brain is collapsing in on its self. Taylor stood there for a while. Then he walked straight at his ring people; they were wondering what was going on? Taylor took his shorts off and fell out of the ring got up and walked towards the exit door, naked.

  Alice was jumping up and down cheering and yelling that ‘My Guy.’

  After a few minutes of cheering the victory, they had to start the plans for the final fight. Tony, Billy, Steven, and Carmine Jr. rounded up the entire family and moved them to a private room in the jail, with the Brooklyn Police guarding outside.

  Tony told Uncle Carmine that everyone was here. Chief Carmine addressed the group and said, at Robert and Alice’s request we have questioned some of Wu Chow’s former opponents about their fighting experience with the Champ. From these interviews, we believe Wu Chow is a fraud. We think Wu Chow is just an average fighter with a bunch of fraudulent fighting belts.

  First, they kidnap a beloved member of his family, everyone from the poor saps Mother to his dog. They would then tell the fighter he could get twice the winning share if he would throw the fight because Chow’s just wanted the win. If he didn’t want to throw the match, they would explain to him his relative’s torture sequence. The combatant will only receive a slight injury. During the fight, Mr. Chow promised to pull back on all punches and kicks.

  Robert’s manager (Carmine) met with the Wu Chow people. Uncle Carmine approved a deal that Robert would throw the fight for 100,000 dollars. Therefore, there was no reason for anyone to be kidnapped. Still, two soldiers were assigned to each of Robert and Alice’s relatives. Grandma Lily oversaw the girl’s protection. Her first order was for them to keep their blouses on. Uncle Carmine and Uncle Joe took care of everyone else.

  One more thing, thanks to Alice they found out Chow’s boys always drugged the opposition before the fight. Alice, Robert and Uncle Carmine were waiting for Chow’s boys in the prison supervisor’s office. Four men came into the room; they gave Carmine the money he counted it and left the room.

  The Chief gave it to a Soldier for protection. He gave the ‘Reporter’ the figures. He then used his guys to past on the bet codes to the Queen at the bar. Steven took care of the Attorney General of New York State with an envelope and the fight codes.

  Uncle Carmine’s right-hand man kneaded by the table and said Alice and Robert are in the middle of a fight with some of Chow’s men.

  Before Carmine and his boys could get back, Robert took out the goon with the dope syringe by punching him in the head. He then took the needle and stuck it into one of the creep’s eyes.

  Meanwhile, Alice’s job was to keep the other three Goons busy until Robert could get to them. Robert knew the Soldier’s sharpshooters had their backs. Plus, these guys thought they made a deal, and these guys were just there to dope Robert up.

  Alice kick two men in the balls so hard they both dropped to the ground. The fourth one pulled out a gun, and Alice grabbed it took out of the guy’s hand and shot him in the head.

  Robert punched one guy in the head; the poor fellow turned around to face Alice, who shot him.

  Grandma Marie walked into the office pushing a hamper. Uncle Albert the Insane followed her. Marie took out a pistol and shot the two guys that Alice kicked in the nuts.

  Albert picked up the two dead bodies and put them in a basket. Albert turned around, and Alice kicked him in the nuts. He fell to his knees and asked Robert to help me.

  Robert said Alice dear that is your Grandfather by marriage, and he loves your Grandmother. Before you ask, yes, Albert married your Grandmother for medical coverage.

  Alice picked him up and said, If I find out you even raised your voice to my Grandmother, you better run.

  Marie came back into the room pushing another hamper. She and Alice put the three remaining bodies into the hamper. Albert came back and helped Marie with the basket.

  Robert and Alice were watching them cross the yard, Marie stopped, she pulled out a Colt 45 and put a bullet hole into each body.

  Alice was watching the now covered hampers with the logo ‘Prosciutto Land’ on them as they moved to an empty beer truck where Freddy was waiting for them.

  Now Alice had to get ‘Numb-nuts’ ready for the final fight. He was naked, standing in the middle of the makeshift locker room. She was standing next to him holding the Fighting panties while watching the hampers with one eye and all the prisoners with the other eye staring at them through the floor to ceiling glass windows.

  Robert said I need privacy. I will put these trucks on, in the bathroom.

  As Robert walked into the bathroom, Alice noticed that he had some new bruises and said to herself she would take care of him tonight.

  Robert was combing his hair when he noticed in the mirror that his girlfriend was doing a bump and grind dance for the jailed inmates. He picked her up and put her underneath his arm and walked out with her head bouncing to the boos from the crowd.

  They met in the middle of the ring; Wu Chow told Robert don’t worry, listen look scared. I will only give you a light tap here and there. That will provide you with some reason to quit. I will hold you until the eighth round then your girlfriend can throw in the towel. Also, I going to need her telephone number, you know why.

  Robert thought about this creep past opponents.

  Each one they had something horrible done to a member of their family from kidnapping, tortured or even murdered.

  Robert said, ‘Fuck you’ and smashed Chow in the face five times, knocking out all his teeth.

  Chow went screaming to his corner. Three bulky trainers blocked Robert from finishing him. After getting two numbing needles and a lot of cocaine. Wu Chow returned to the center of the Ring and through his smashed face said, forget about your family, they’re gone. He then went on a verbal attack against Robert and Alice; it must have been hard talking with no teeth.

  Robert kicked Chow in the balls three times, dropping the lowlife to his knees. Chow who has murdered an untold number of people lifted his right hand in a search for help.

  Robert grabbed the fingers of Wu’s right hand and turned them around and blinded him with them; he then pulled the low life to the ring’s ropes. While still holding Wu’s arm, Robert jumped up and over the rope to the auditorium’s floor while twisting the arm. Wu Chow’s scream told the world the fight was over. The man had no teeth, he was blind, and now his right arm was on backward.

  The match was over Robert was the new World Champion, Alice was yelling hurray and putting a robe on him as fast as possible. She tied it tight, causing him to moan.

  Meanwhile, Wu Chow was upsetting everybody with his screams of pain.

  The Soldiers shot and killed the four men waiting to murder Robert. Before the night was over, they found and killed the remaining members of Chow’s gang.

  Wu Chow’s received his final insult when Marie and Albert threw his screaming mouth into the trash with four of his former cohorts. The fight was over it showed the ex-champion was nothing but a fake and they catcalled him out of the building.

  Chief Carmine had police officers closed all the side streets between the auditorium and the ‘Fifth Avenue Apartment Complex.’ They deposited all the monies collected from the bookies into Chemical Bank’s branch at the Military Complex.

  Armored car service transported the deposit, with the ‘Reporter,’ and his staff. As the bulletproof truck approach, the back of the complex, a wall opened allowing the vehicle to disappear inside.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Grandma Lily and the girls were the first one to get back to the apartment house. They joined the party that was already going on at the fifth-floor apartment.

  Alice’s Father, ‘The King’ (As discussed earlier) was throwing a ‘Fight party’ for his personal friends who were the ‘Kings’ and ‘Queens’ from the other families. Not all the nobility was there only the ones the ‘King’ wanted.

  The crowd was getting so large, Freddy had to have the ‘Soldiers Tavern’ start a block party from their location to the front of the apartment complex. They called in an additional one hundred Soldiers to handle the crowd. Freddy was busy getting the catering service switch from the Fights to the party. They moved the television equipment and the announcers to Alice and Robert’s place. Even the Band knocked on the door and were let in. The ‘Reporter’ and Sally were backing up Freddy, by ensuring that there was enough booze, food, and help on hand.

  Uncle Joe and the boys got their families into a bus; the Soldiers took them to the Fifth Avenue Complex. A military vehicle took Robert, Alice and the Queen to their apartment. “The Queen teased Alice by telling her; she could sleep in her room tonight, so she doesn’t bother Robert.”

  Robert said, “since I’m beaten up, and we can’t have sex any way you should stay with your mother.”

  Alice got so mad she refused to talk to anyone.

  The Queen said sorry honey, but I couldn’t help myself.

  Alice said” it’s O. K Mom, you bitch.”

  All three of them broke up into hysterics.

  Alice tonight you will meet the high nobility, including some Kings and Queens from the other family

  The first thing Alice did was to drag Robert into the bathroom, bedroom, pushed him onto the bed and ripped off the fighting trunks. She put them in a hamper. She would have thrown them out of a window but concluded the first pants should be worth a fortune.

  Alice didn’t listen to his many complaints as she dragged him into the shower, turned on the cold water and left.

  While Alice took a shower (Another bathroom), she had the two nutty maid’s clean-up, Robert, dress him, get him a beer and put him on the couch with my father.

  While Alice was yelling for the maids to dry her hair and find her some clothes, they were holding up Robert so he could meet all the famous people at the gathering.

  After a while, Robert told the two little nuts to help Alice, so they ran off all excited to tell her about the famous people they met.

  After Alice appeared, she stopped the music and grabbed the mike. Ok everybody, let’s start again. Robert, the ‘Champion of the World,’ is a little beat after his Four Victories. So, if you guy wouldn’t mind getting in line again, I would like to meet you (She wanted to read their minds).

  The line formed, and Ms. Smart were introduced the members of the inner circle.

  Alice told Robert to nod his head and not to hurt anyone.

  It thrilled everyone to meet Robert and Alice; they told them they would be happy to join Alice’s court. Ms. Smith accepted the many wedding invitations for Robert and Alice.

  Alice was overwhelmed by the number of uncles, aunts’ sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews she had. Each one was beautiful, and they were sure excited in meeting Robert. Alice continued I love my nieces and nephews, and I refuse to have anything ever upsetting happen to them. They can come and live with me forever.

  That statement made her the next Queen, and everybody in the room knew it.

  Elizabeth walked into the party and over to Alice. Honey, you two did a tremendous job, Robert must be the most famous man in the World. Elizabeth said I voted no on that sex thing.

  Freddy had to call the restaurant and the Prosciutto stores to feed the people at the two parties.

  Grandma Lily was mad at the girls for showing the World their breasts and wearing such skimpy clothes. She later explains to them the Royal Court’s Standards.

  The day exhausted Alice, it was showing when she said goodnight to the last guest. She could not find Robert. She was too tired to care.

  Alice was soaking in a sudsy tub when he came in and took off his clothes.

  Alice yelled ‘what is this a strip show?”

  He turned the lights to low and the music too hot. Robert gave Alice a glass of champagne and a look as he got into the tub behind her. He settled in with his legs wrapped around her.

  Robert kissed her neck.

  Alice said if you want to be busy you can wash my back and smacked him with a wet wash rag.

  Robert tightened his legs around her and washed her back.

  Now you want to play, said Alice. I have been trying to spend time with you all night, but you sat on that sofa talking with your gangster friends and Uncle Carmine. Then you disappeared.

  Robert said, your Mother took me and ‘The King’ over to the Soldier’s Bar to see my father and a few Soldier’s, Generals. The men told me you were the whole show, Alice. They also loved Gloria and the girl’s tits trick.

  Uncle Carmine didn’t make it to his apartment; he is sleeping on the couch.

  Dear, we must buy new cars for everyone.

  Don’t dear me you bum.

  I spent the entire night pulling my Mother skirt down; she played the sexy barmaid.

  Robert asked, did you talk to your Mother?

  Yes, we had a wonderful time. We giggled all night about our screwball friends. She showed me pictures of my brothers and sisters also, the Summer Palace, our bedroom, the children’s room and my horse which is the most beautiful creature in the World. My oldest sister was riding it.

  Alice said I would have to ask her about that. My Mom said the entire family and the members of the Court couldn’t wait to meet us. Also, we will have to attend all the Summer ending Balls, the different families have. Our Wedding will happen just before Christmas. They are having their Castle redone for the upcoming event.

  Did my father talk to you about us, Robert?

  Yes, He said it was comical the way you stop by at least a hundred times to make sure I was OK. He also said you, and I are becoming Gods to the nephews and nieces. Also, I should get a check-up. Even Uncle Joe wants me to go to the hospital.

  Alice said stand up Robert.

  Robert said no.

  Alice jumped out of the tub, put on a robe and dragged him out of the bathtub.

  Before he could say anything, he heard, Robert, I am a Doctor remember. Alice X-rayed him. She said you have a few broken bones. She punched him in the chest, and he moaned. Your body is swollen from the blows you have absorbed. It will take time for it to repair itself. You also, may have an infection? That would explain your high temperature. Alice said I would have the Soldiers and their nurses check the dead bodies for poisons.

  To relieve the trauma in your body, you must get in bed and not move. I will wrap your legs, and Alice yelled ‘Nit,’ and ‘Wit’ get in here.

  They came running.

  Alice told them not to listen to Robert, watch him until she came back. She calls in a few prescriptions instructed the Soldiers to bring them over as soon as they were ready.

  She got the white tape, pain pills, numbing medication, pajamas and some of Elizabeth’s alleged magic healing cream from their medical supplies.

  When Alice returned, she told the maids to hold him up. She put his pajama bottoms on taped his feet made him take the pills and lay him down on the bed.

  Alice gave them Elizabeth’s lotion and the numbing cream with instructions to rub the medications on his body.

  She then ran to finish bathing, and as she was drying her hair, she checked on Lily Kemble and Buster Brown Shoes, who were sleeping in their beds by the front doors, said goodnight to the Soldier on duty.

  The girls had finished putting on the medications on the now sleeping Robert.

  When Alice came in with the cold cream on her face, the girls screamed.

  Alice said, hilarious.

  All three of them put Robert under the covers.

  Alice said g
oodnight to them, with a kiss, and they both ran out.

  Alice dropped her nightgown next to the bed, turned the lights off and got under the blankets with Robert. She couldn’t sleep she didn’t know what came over her, but she kissed his face and moved down to his neck, then his chest, and down.

  Alice was so hot; she thought she had a fever.

  A pair of large hands pulled her face up to where she got kissed a lot.

  Then a voice said, honey, your body is burning up.

  Alice said am I sick?

  No, my dear Robert started the same thing by kissing her face, her neck and then her breasts.

  She got a little impatient and pushed his head down.

  Alice finished the day by “whispering boy if I had a nickel for every time that happened.”

  Alice was getting like a grandma, first one up. She moved fast, threw her hair up. Put on some underwear, a light Summer dress. A little lipstick and she was off.

  Alice turned off the TV, dragged the girl’s out of bed and told them to take care of Robert. He is not to get out bed, she said, feed him and keep him clean. If he asks, tell him I died.”

  “Sally”, she yelled outside their bedroom, I am going to Grandma’s downstairs for breakfast I will set plates for you and the ‘Reporter.’

  During breakfast, Alice said “Robert and I need a vacation. We want to go to a place where we could be alone. But they scheduled us to start Military Training as soon as Robert is strong enough to travel.”

  He supposed to stay in bed, but now he is roaming around looking for me.

  Robert came in and said “good morning to all. He found Alice hiding behind Grandma, picked her up and kissed her. He nodded to the applause of the people at the table for his success, at the Fights.”

  “Alice did most of the work,” said, Robert. But, everyone in both of our families worked last night and will get a percentage. I want to take this time to introduce the ‘Reporter’ and Sally to the people who don’t know them. These guys have joined our family. They will get a percentage.”