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Alice's Soldiers Page 20
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Gloria poured, the Cognac, and everyone drank to Robert and Alice.
My Mother,” Elizabeth told me that ten couples would be getting married along with us: five siblings, two Princesses and three of our relatives.”
Also, they want us to drive to ‘Fort Barlow’ through the Soldier’s Valley.
Alice jumped in, “Robert, your parents, want us to introduce ourselves to the people living there and see what happens. Find out their problems and get a good feeling of the place, this is the lands our families’ will oversee.”
We have many enemies in the eleven families. Some families haven’t spoken to us for fifty years. Our only defense is 500,000 Soldiers. We don’t know if the other families have any second-chance people.
“Alice said, the military needs our mind-reading abilities, and we will want to assist them in all their ventures. Right now, I am cleaning out the spies and thieves at the Military Complex.”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Back to Robert Coming home:
The hospital director let Robert leave the hospital a few weeks early so he could get engaged. The hospital officials were not aware that Alice had gone nuts and the engagement was off.
Two years to this date, Alice had made it be known that she didn’t know a Robert.
After living together for nineteen years, it was hard for him to accept it. Robert was so mad; he left Brooklyn and the Soldiers. He loved Alice beyond what he could handle. It wasn’t the great plans they had, the children they wanted, or least of all her’s mother’s throne they just wanted to be together.
His Mother found him at his palace apartment. She said, “how do you feel? Robert now don’t get mad at Alice, You go and find out who did this hideous thing to our family, cure Alice and kill the bastard.”
“Mom, Robert said, sorry I can’t handle this rejection from Alice, I want to die. Let the Soldiers take care of it. They have videotapes on everything. Tell them to come and get me when they have everything put together. Meanwhile, I will stay here protected; I’m not mad right now I am just hurting. Who is behind this is after me so I will stay here for a while with Maria guarding me. She can tell if the food is poison by the smell of it.”
A few days later, Maria and Robert left at night.
The Same day the incident happened, Alice’s parents the ‘King and Queen of All’ demanded the Soldiers find out what was going on with the Princess.
Robert said to himself first I must find the hypnotists that did this horrendous thing to my baby and go from there.
Robert met with the Soldier team assigned to the attack on the Princess.
The team leader told me the following:
On November 10, 1959, Alice received a call from Steven DeVan about him stopping by with Joeann’s birthday present. “He wanted to hide the present in her house because Joeann is like you, Steven said, always trying to find out what she got before it was time.”
One hour later the front doorbell rang, Alice yelled: “Give me a minute Steve.”
The Soldier said, “We knew it wasn’t, Steve and we were on the move, we “Send her signals, but she didn’t reply.”
Alice opened the door thinking it was Steve, but it was the hypnotist who immediately stunned her with his voice and started to whisper something into her ear.
We immobilized him in a minute before he could do any more harm. He was transported to the Military Complex. Because of his power, he was injected with monitoring chemicals. We know where he is ever second. The only name we can get for him is “Climbles.”
The Princess was taken to our hospital in France which specializes in mind control. After two days of the tests, we found that there is no trace of you in her mind, even the name Robert is distasteful. It is important for us to find out if there are any other suggestions the hypnotist put into the Princess’ mind. We allowed Climbles to escape so we can follow him. As I told you we have monitors in him we also, installed a good size bomb in his head so we can blow it up anytime we want too. Anyway, it was impossible to interview him with his strange power. As soon as this investigation is closed, we will erase him from society. “He told us he was working on a contractual basis with the Hunters, but he didn’t have any names they just came to him when they wanted a job done.”
Robert told the Soldiers as soon as I can get into her (Alice’s) mind I can read it and go back and see what Mr. Crimbles, shithead, told, the princess what to do, then I can remove his instructions, and the problem is solved.
The Hypnotist was found to be hiding on top of a frozen mountain range in the Island of Greenland. With a picture of Mr. Crimbles, a map of his location and twenty Soldiers from the special inspection unit, we all flew to Greenland with a ton of equipment. We set up in a secret underground joined American and Soldier base.
The target was located a few hundred miles from the base in ‘Gumbijon Field,’ which is on the East Coast of the island in a remote ice and snow range of mountains. The area is uninhabited except for the Hypnotist’s hideout. We lucked out because we found Hunter’s trails fifty miles down under the mountain of the creep’s hideout.
The trail had been used by the hunters to contact the Hypnotist, so the Soldiers sent in robotic devices to clean out any traps. We then tunneled up far as we believed it was safe. My squad waited a couple of days before we tunneled out of the mountain about a mile lower than the hideout. Maira stayed at the base, for now, she was happy it was too cold for her. We all switch to white clothes and at night crawled up the outside of the mountain with our night vision equipment.
Meanwhile, another team found the ground entrance and as planned sent up robotics on the staircases to clear out any bomb traps. As the second team was knocking on the front door we enter the house on top of the mountain thru the living room windows, Mr. Crimbles met us with a smile and started to give us orders, he thought it was funny. With two stiff fingers I blinded him on the spot and hung him out the window so his screams could be heard for uninhabited miles.
We were wearing our night gear, and Mr. Crimbles didn’t realize his powers did not affect someone who wore night scopes. We brought him inside, and I read his mind and found out he only had time to order Alice to eliminate me from her memory. There was no way to remove the memory block. He didn’t know anything except a Hunter show up one day with a pile of money. We didn’t kill him but simply secured him and brought him back to the military complex with all the paperwork we could find.
I visited Sandra the 4th to updated her on the investigation and asked if she had any suggestions since we were at a dead end? “The Queen was in her sitting room when I spoke to her,” said Robert.
The Queen was crying as ”I updated her on the capture of the Hypnotist and clearing up of what was in Alice’s mind.”
Her Majesty was so upset about what happened to her daughter Princess ‘ Alice she couldn’t think, must less talk about it.
Robert’s Mother Queen Elizabeth told him “that the entire ‘Noble Community’ were concerned about what was in Alice’s mind and feared for the Prince Robert’s life. The Queen said, “Robert go to the end of World and find a place where Oceans meet.” Most of our society’s crap end up at the ends of the different worlds, like Key West, Cape Cod, Tuscan, etc.,
“I talked to the court’s Cardinal about Princess Alice condtion;” he told me they did like me either. The High Priest said we believe Princess Alice has been cursed. He continued, only by wearing the right charm would bring her memory back to normal. You have to find a ‘Blue-White medallion charm to fight the Curse. Only you can find it because only you care enough too
Robert knew his mother was talking about the end of Chile, SA.
It was six in the morning I finished putting on the sea lion fat over my entire body, then I put on my fur-lined wetsuit, including night vision gear, and slipped into the water at the base of Cape Horn, Tierra del Fuego, South Am
erica. My third day of searching for a blue medallion has begun. The perfect hiding place for treasures is where the Atlantic and Pacific oceans met.
The place was called Tierra Del Fuego, South America the main type of transportation was the bus which Robert was too big to fit into, so a plane dropped him off at 15,000 feet and he drifted down to earth in his skinsuit. Robert gave his stuff to the two Soldiers waiting for him. They gave him the layout of the land; nothing but wind and freezing rain on top and a very active underground world of fight clubs and Bars, with food and housing.
Robert said he had been in the Cape Horn area for around three months drinking, fighting and listening to assholes talk about charms and magic curses. To get into the inner circles of the clubs and gangs, one had to fight. Also, you couldn’t win all the time, or you were unable to move on to your next club. There was a lot more happening in Tierra del Fuego than one could see driving around the small old towns with severe weather batter homes and stores. But, a lot of money was pouring into the area because of its bottom of the world concept.
They should change the name to smuggler’s town because of the amount of buying and selling activity in stolen artifacts. Everything from a piece of wood from the cross to Saint Sana Claus feet can be purchased for a price. The worst criminal in the World was here. What cop would want to play in this weather, of fierce knockdown winds or hours of artic rain, or even both?
The fight club allowed guys to make money. When I fought I read their minds to protect myself from things like other guys jumping in; it happened one time I got mad and kill them all. Or some creep with a hidden knife, which ended up in sticking out of the top of his head, that stopped my opponents from carrying weapons.
Finally, after twenty fights and a beaten body, I became a bodyguard for the local crime lord after 30 days of standing next to him this monster, I found out what I wanted to hear it was about the hidden treasures of Cape Horn.
The one rumor that made sense to Robert was about an ancient Queen named Sandra who made a deal with the mudron tribe (Original stellers) over a thousand years ago to hide some of her jewelry where the oceans meet. It was the third and last day I could do it, I was beaten up and tried I could hardly move, the ice water woke me up as I slipped into hell. In a minute it was pitch black, the various currents slammed me against the stone mountain as they pleased. Last night I had a dream to go straight down that was ok with me I truly doubted I would make it back.
Five feet to the right of the end of my rope there was an open fissure. I hammed away for an hour. The air tanks where ok so I told a break, maybe even a little nap before starting to hammer again, finally the wall gave in, and stuff was staring at me I simply pulled my way up the rope parallel to the side of the mountain, made it, called the Soldiers.
After a couple of days in sickbay, I was able to walk. We were on a submarine traveling to Argentina. I knew we had found something all the Soldiers had grins on their faces. The Boats Commander gave me a large blue medallion that kept on changing colors from white to blue. The Captain said this is over two thousand years olf and it hums. Prince Robert, you found two tons of jewelry what should do you want to do with it?
In sickbay, I knew I found a lot because the nurses were smiling, so I thought about it, and as I told the Chief I will take the medallion, give half to your King, my father the rest you divided up for yourself, one last treat pick four engagement presents for ‘The girls.’
Chapter Thirty
Home Again
Now the house on Bleecker Street looked the same. He could see the memories it held. The Soldiers on duty saluted Robert. He could see a few old friends sitting at the kitchen table. He couldn’t wait to get inside. He knocked on the door, and a lovely dream opened it.
Alice had her hands on her hips as he asked for her. Robert presented a bunch of roses and stepped back.
Aunt Joan was smiling as she took the roses, pushed Alice into me and closed the door leaving us outside.
I picked Alice up and kissed her. I held her in his arms pushed her back, so I could see her face and said, “you don’t remember me, do you?”
Alice said no.
“I thought you would fly into my arms,” said, Robert.
Why in hell would I ever do that, said Alice in a loud voice? She repeated I don’t know you. Robert if that is your name, I have never seen you before.
Robert got mad. Alice he said, fine, take care. I will see you in another lifetime, I have had enough of your crap. You have been busting my balls for twenty-one years. I am out of here. There is nothing you could say to stop me.
Hold on whatever your name is? You returned my eyesight. So, you want me to put out for you? Ok I will in exchange for my vision. Here are the terms once a year starting yesterday.
Robert put his hand far down in her pocket.
God what is wrong with you cowboy? You can’t do it right here. Uncle Carmine will kill you.
Robert said just put this medallion on which you been hiding in your pocket as he pushed her into the kitchen. And it will not be once a year it will be once an hour.
“A cup of coffee Alice,” he said.
OK, please sit at my table and have a few pastries with my family, while you drink your coffee.
Listen you are the first one who ever picked me up like I was a grape, put your tongue in my mouth and lived. You aren’t going anywhere. I love having my sight back. I repeat I will bed you for my vision.
Robert in a polite voice said. Alice someone has taken your memory and changed your personality. Please talk to my mother Elizabeth or Grandma Lily.
Alice has never had a man control her movements in her life. She didn’t know what to do or say. Alice was like a trapped rabbit, caught in a snare. She almost gave in to the strange man and wanted to whisper let’s go away. She grabbed the medallion and put it around her neck. The medal was warm. She took his hand as she slipped off his body which melted him and pulled him inside.
The family mobbed Robert. He didn’t talk to Alice until everyone left.
The two Aunts, Mary and Joan, have known the two giants since they were babies and felt sorry for them and what they must be going thru at least Alice’s vision has returned.
Alice was having the time of her life, telling Aunt Joan she loved her hair and earrings, grabbing each member of her family and staring right into their faces and saying things like Uncle Carmine I can see you now and you are as beautiful as I imagined. She wondered if she looked an old hag?
She ran into her bedroom saw the mess and almost turned around and ran back to kill her girlfriends, but she looked at the mirror again and said aloud I want to put my medallion on, which she did. She then sat down at her makeup desk and put on some cosmetics and played with her hair. She heard the guests were leaving so she ran to the door to say goodbye.
After the goodbyes, Robert didn’t know what to do, one thing he knew he couldn’t leave Alice blind again. Something told him he could not leave. So, he said he was going to live on the third floor and don’t bother him. Robert told Alice the last few months have been horrible; and he had to lay down. Robert ended the conversation by saying hay you {Alice} if I bring women upstairs, I don’t want to hear your mouth.
Robert said yes the Soldiers are going to handle it. He stopped a moment. It took him a few days to get here and wanted to clean up before he talked to her. Also, tell the Soldiers I need a clean Uniform for tonight.
Robert showered in the second-floor bathroom. Wearing a towel, he walked up to their old playroom on the third floor
The carpet was thick, so when they were smaller, Robert and Alice used to take naps with a throw pillow and an old army blanket.
To Robert’s surprise, Alice was sitting in an old rocking chair which brought a smile to his face from a long-ago memory. She was swinging the medallion in a circle.
He asked do you remember anything y
No, she said. But this time her voice was calm, and her eyes were gentle.
Alice said, I see you know my family but why can’t I remember you? I’m a doctor at the military hospital, every day someone asks me what happen to Robert? After a while, I just say we broke up. I found this in the closet, (A hanger with a shirt and a pair of pants) and men’s underwear in my dresser. I don’t know who did this.
Robert got dressed, he told Alice she could look now and said you stated I could bed you. I would just like a few kisses and see how that goes?
Alice said your nuts.
Robert picked her up from the rocking chair, sat down and put her on his lap.
They kissed for a while, Alice got more aggressive when her blouse was opened as he was kissing her neck. Alice suddenly jerked her head and passed out.
Robert carried Alice to her bedroom and laid her down.
Alice was sending weak signals to him, asking for help.
He called Grandma and asked her to come over right away. He said Alice is having an emotional reaction. Her memory is coming back, and there is terrible news about one of our relatives.
Grandma Lily arrived in twenty minutes with Gloria.
Lily put her arms around a crying Alice and calmed her down.
Grandma, I remember Robert now, the big jerk. I am so sorry for all the problems I have caused; I don’t know what happened
Alice, can you tell us anything?
“Yes, bits and pieces of my memory are returning. My brother Steven called, he said he was coming over with Joeann’s birthday gift and wanted me to hide it for him.”
A little while later there was a knock on the front door; I opened without thinking, “I was listening to the night’s news.”
The next thing I remember was Lily Kemble licking my face. I fell asleep on the couch.