Alice's Soldiers Page 25
Everybody on earth was either watching the second wedding but could not see the Gods on the television. What touched the peoples’ heartstrings was the announcer’s description of Alice’s acts during the ceremony: The Princess couldn’t get any closer to the Prince that if she wanted too, she touched his hair pushed down a curl and flicked off some lint from his coat. She had one eye on him and one on whatever was behind the altar.
Robert and Alice did something unusual while kneeling they set their hands in a praying position and bowed until both of their heads were touching a mat. They remained in that state for half an hour. They were gone for three days.
At first, Robert and Alice didn’t hear or see anything, but that didn’t bother them they weren’t distressed. They had a wonderful feeling inside themselves. If the ‘Gods’ wanted them dead, they would already be dead, since they were all-powerful and could eliminate anyone with a movement of a finger.
“Robert and Alice heard three characters talking, but it was coming out as one voice. The Gods said it had been at least a thousand years since we have been here. It’s good to be back; we will marry you two for eternity, no problem.”
Alice your Great, Great, Great Grandmother, Sandra 1st told us “you two are ready to take care of a few billion humans.”
This is our first wedding, so you two must be something extraordinary.
We can’t read your minds the Voice said, which puts you two on a loftier status than us.
Alice asked what are your names?
After a minute of muffled talking the phrase, ‘Al’ bounced out.
‘Al’ Princess Alice said, you already know that Robert and I are unlike other individuals. We have the unique capability to accumulate data in our minds, instead of having to memorize it.
We both are telepathic and have photographic memories. So, we don’t have to learn knowledge we save the book’s contents in our minds and bring up the data as we desire it.
‘A’ Voice said, that is why Society needs you two to take care of them.
‘Al’ said: Princess Alice Marie DeVan do you take Prince Robert, to be your husband for eternity?
Alice said yes, yes, and yes.
Prince Robert, do you take Princess Alice to be your wife?
Robert smiled and said yes.
Her new husband gave her a vigorous kiss. The chamber disappeared.
The Sergeant grabbed his neck the gold chain he has been wearing since 1944 given to him by Queen Elizabeth for saving the baby Alice, was burning his throat. The pain stopped the second a Royal imprint of the Princess Alice’s face appeared.
All Royal family flags, medals, soldiers’ patches now displayed the Princess Alice picture.
Robert and Alice found themselves sitting on a picnic blanket, with a splendid choice of sweet treats wrapped in gold foil in front of them. Postcard pastoral rolling fields surrounded them until they were interrupted by a vast mountain range running behind the field.
They were in the middle of a valley staring at a cow’s rear end. The animal was on a dirt road under a tree looking back at Robert and Alice with its tail swishing. The cow was as cows go, right now it was waiting for something.
Alice loved her new outfit: high black leather boots, short leather skirt, delicate white blouse, topped off by a cute square hat, all she needed was a stallion.
Robert was dressed as a Rancher with a well-made cowboy hat.
Alice announced to Robert these snacks are beyond delicious. We can take one home for Joeann.
Robert said, Alice, the cow on the trail is fixing to go, she continues glancing back at us. Also, there are many golden colored wrappers here. So, we can wrap the goodies up and give them to the newlyweds. Since they will be wrap in gold, they would be receiving two presents.
Robert helped Alice stand up. He kissed her nose, and they followed the cow. They were walking on a dirt road the cow who had a sack full of treats hanging from her neck was walking as fast as a cow can walk.
Alice, why does that cow keep on turning his head and watching at us? Also, a mob of jackrabbits is following us.
Alice, I had the same question in my mind, I think she believes we will kill and eat her.
It was growing a little darker; a structure appeared on the left side of the road, the cow picked up her stride as if she perceived she was nearing the feeding stalls.
A handsome wooden roadhouse almost jumped out in front of them. Ms. Cow stopped at the entrance. A young boy dressed as a young boy removed the sack from the cow’s neck and bowed. He pushed the cow away and opened the front door without losing his grin.
An eminent looking middle-aged man was waiting for them. After a beautiful bow, he said my name is Todd. My wife, Annabelle is Princess Alice’s cousin.
We have the honeymoon suite ready for you. Annabelle will guide you to your rooms.
Robert was peeking out the side window. He turned and asked; is this where the cows are penned?
Yes, answered the host.
Earlier Alice and Robert promised themselves they would not read people minds unless they sensed danger.
Alice needed to know why the cows were staring at us?
They do that to us too said, Todd. The only thing we could figure out is the cows don’t want anyone to knock them off before it’s their time.
The cattle are not put to sleep until they are fifteen. That is a long time for a cow to live. The meat is at the perfect age for eating that is if you marinate it. Then the meat is exceptional.
Todd and Annabelle, please join us for supper, said Alice?
I have nothing to wear my Princess.
You can wear some of my dresses.
The Royal Court suite was spacious with, a king’s size bed, two bathrooms, closets and wardrobes full of dresses as Alice excepted.
Robert, my cousin and I are going to get dressed, join Todd at the bar. I will lay out your uniform. Alice was like a teenager in Brooklyn getting ready for a party with her girlfriend. The bedroom door was left open so Alice could see.
Robert decided to get dressed now. While putting on his uniform, he observed a cow take her last glare at him before she joined her roommates.
As quickly as the two couples were sitting for dinner, Robert stood-up and made a toast to his wife. My Princess I am the luckiest man in the world. Everyone in the dining room rose up and said ‘God Bless’ the Princess and the Prince.
Todd said, my Princess, this letter was delivered for you today. He placed it on the dining room table in front of them. The script on the envelope was in ancient English, so Robert gave it to Alice to read.
Alice gave Robert a look like everyone knows you’re slow, said: “Todd thank you as she held the letter and complimented him on the dining room’s appearance.” Then she opened the brown colored envelope; it was in an ancient text, interpretation the eager faces waiting to hear the message she read: Please enjoy your ‘Valley’ it’s one hundred miles by one hundred miles. Todd and his wife Annabella are taking care of it for you. There are two thousand cattle, ten thousand hogs, and five hundred sheep. The ranchers allow the cattle to live for fifteen years as well as the swine. Your famous ‘Prosciutto’ come from the hogs.
The Valley is deemed a chosen territory for the security of young animals. No one can approach them until they are seven years old.
The Soldiers will shortly be building homes for one hundred thousand households. Underneath the houses, an industrial area will reach five levels down. A broad type of different factories, a transportation system, schools, marketplaces, and hospitals are projected.
Dessert was terrific with the coffees and cognac, and some picnics treats Alice gave out.
Alice knew it was honeymoon time, and she wanted the feeling she had to last forever. But she was embarrassed when she left the table and entered the bedroom. She shouldn’t be nervous t
hey have spent most of their lives in each other’s arms.
Robert got in bed removed my nightgown and undies which he always loved to do. Tonight, it was relaxing and beautiful. The details are none of your business, but someone made a lot of loud noise.
We woke up in the same position as we were when we started the wedding. Our eyes, (The Prince and Princess’) opened to the sound of cheering and shouting. Al was gone and the party when on for a few days.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
The treats were given to the brides who soon passed them on because the gold wrapped candies would not stop coming out of the bag. Princess Alice has it now, and she brings it out for special occasions.
Robert my Mother, Sandra thank me for the 100 million dollars in raw diamonds. Robert where did you get the jewels?
That night while Rosemarie was combing Alice’s hair
Alice asked Robert, Dear how about those diamonds?
Well, honey-bun Maria and I discovered them.
Rosemarie was grinning because she knows how Alice hates the series of honey-bun nicknames.
Robert, I have a new nightgown on if you want me to keep it on forever don’t ever call me any of those honey-crap nicknames.
Alice when I was chasing Maria down the stairwell to the new world, I stumbled and smashed my face into the rock wall. I spit out a small diamond. Two weeks later the way back, we stopped at the spot where I spit out the diamond. The Soldiers had given me a few small portable power tools and a duffel bag. We stayed for two days at the iron door and dug up a mess of diamonds. We had a duffle bag full of them. I asked the Sergeant to give each of our fathers, twenty-five percent of the gems, and to bury the rest for our Court. So, my dear, we can start our court off with four hundred million in cash.
‘Honey-Duck.’ We can pay our Soldiers for years, yelled Alice.
The Submarine Commander requested his officers report to the situation room. There were twenty officers in his command, fifteen men, and five women, including Rosemarie.
The Commander said it is evident we will be contacting the New Land’s people shortly. Intelligence has found a Television transmission coming
from an island twenty-five miles East of here. We will send an Expedition Force soon. There is a mist blanketing the island so we will be using drones and robotic devices to explore the island.
We believe a military weapon based on this island has shot down one of our drones. I have requested our other units in this ocean to back us up. They won’t be here for a few days. Meanwhile Rosemarie, please secure the Prince and the Princess and that large mountain cat they have with them.
Someone suggested we ask Robert and Alice for their assistance with any prisoners we capture, owing to their mind reading skills.
The commander continued, yesterday I talked to the Princess in the cafeteria. We had a late snack together she asked me a thousand questions about how this submarine runs, the Princess worked in the boiler room during the night shift to get an understanding of how our engines work. Afterward, the crew took a picture of her, with them. She told me she and the goofball would be happy to help with anything.
Alice, the Brooklyn girl, was all ready to go exploring. She wished to discover what was in the ‘New Ocean.’ Her Mother Queen Sandra has given her the entire ‘New Land.’ Now the Princess must travel there and declare it to her Royal Court. The Submarine ‘Princess Alice’ will take her and her new husband to the New Land so The Princess can claim it.
The Submarine picked up their valuable guests at the Brooklyn Navy Yards. The crew had put up signs stating ‘Honeymooners’ this way. It infuriated the Commander. But, Alice through it was adorable, so she autographed each sign.
The Sub was proceeding as Alice came out of the bathroom and asked Robert ‘What’s up honey?’ She was giggling when he first kissed her neck and face.
Tony and Gloria took Joeann and Steven to Paris. Billy and Sarah when to Spain.
Elizabeth needed to explore the new land.
Robert told her that Maria was going with them because she could sniff danger a mile away. At night the couple had supper with the boat’s officers. During supper, the commander asked for the Prince and Princess help and told him the following:
The Soldiers have been monitoring the native’s airwaves of the new lands. There was television service on one of the channels they were showing reruns of the Brooklyn’s Friday Night Fights.
We have been sending drones from our sub looking for a place where our boat can dock. The problem from the beginning has been the fog. It covers a reasonable portion of the land twenty-four-hour a day. We believe the mist is human-made.
One of our drones has been shot down, so we brought in some sophisticated equipment and scientists to find out who did it, how was it done and how to stop it from happening again.
Right away they found and destroyed the launching site. The location is about twenty-five miles from here.
Alice jumps out of her chair and said count ‘Maria’ and me in. Alice said all they were doing was working on their suntans and sleeping and bumping food from the Navy guys, anyway.
The chief of naval operations, Admiral Davies, said we are confident that the local native population is small. A water sample taken from near the beach shows only a bare minimum of human activity. There is just a trace of chemicals and no industrial waste.
But, since they shot down one of our drones, we know there are military weapons on the island. The army will be cautious about checking out the place. We have been instructed by your Father King John and your Mother, Elizabeth not to alter their culture in any way.
As you can see the Island is hidden by smog. The first pictures show an empty beach with a small amount of tropical plant life. The beach was about the size of two football fields.
Our Navy sent in a walking robotic device to find out what was on this island, that found nothing, but a small beach as mentioned. But, surprise, surprise after a hundred yards, a small town with a train station appeared. Offhand, it looked like an empty offseason beach resort.
The language on the business’ signs was unknown, but it had a familiar feeling to it. One could see there were a few smalls motels; there was a room cleaning cart parked outside an open door.
A group of small storefronts was waiting for the Robotics: A beach shop, filled with umbrellas, beach folding chairs, sand pails and shovels, swimming glasses, beach balls and a ton of other stuff a couple of restaurants and a large nightclub, called the ‘Casablanca.’
There was a low rumbling noise coming from the twenty-five Soldiers who were watching and analyzing the Robotics’ film. The sound turned into shouts; then everyone was standing and clapping.
Because, in the bathing suit shop, there was a mannequin that looked just like the Princess holding a pair of Robert’s fighting trunks. Pointing at another mannequin who looked just like Prince Robert hiding behind a palm tree.
Meanwhile, Robert and Alice were on their yacht speeding towards the island in question. The two of them didn’t feel any hatred coming out of the place.
Alice grabbed Robert’s hand as they entered the fog, and within ten feet, they saw a small beach with a few tropical plants.
Robert and Alice were wearing bathing suits. He had hidden Alice’s
Robert said let’s get this over with and took a few steps into the mist, which disappeared, leaving the surrounding area clear as a bell.
It delighted the Navy that after the beached was X-rayed, and they found no hidden traps, and the air was breathable.
Alice signaled her kitchen staff, on their yacht that the beach was a beautiful spot for a picnic.
Alice was searing for seashells. While a white folding table was set for lunch, a hundred Soldiers landed on the beach and started to crawl on the ground while Alice all confused as usual asked a decorated Sergeant for a
Laughing, the soldier, took her hand, and he kissed it.
The menus appeared with a cold bottle of champagne. They used the Royal Silverware.
Alice was starving she ordered the French Onion soup, a bouillabaisse, beef bourguignon. Robert had the fish, and she tried to get some. Alice turned to Maria and looked at her plate of raw fish and received a hiss.
The Soldier’s contact with a new civilization was being televised by channel nine (Brooklyn). The entire World was watching their Prince and Princess having a picnic in a new world and with a mountain lion. They were in hysterics over her behavior.
It turned out the place was a resort town, and it was offseason right now. As Robert and Maria were waiting for lunch, Alice was wandering (Right in the middle of the advancing army) looking for seashells. Every time she recognized a Soldier, she said something like ‘hello Timmy, how is your Mother?
Chapter Forty
Ancient Worlds
Three years earlier Robert received an assignment to visit the underground and capture an Ancient warrior. This test will make Robert a famous Soldier, and therefore the men he commanded would be proud and fight like Tigers. It sounds stupid, that is how the people felt.
Alice was mad because she couldn’t go.
Robert was confident there was an entrance to the underground at the ‘Fort Barlow River.’ He asked himself why were there Soldiers stationed in the middle of a mountain? Robert was going to find out.
Maria (The Mountain Lion) will go with me; she has a fantastic sense of smell for danger. They traveled by boat to the Fort. They stayed with a happy Sergeant and Martha for the night. Supper was lovely full of laughs and love.
When we climbed down the secret entrance (In the Woods), we surprised the two Soldiers on duty. They acknowledge their mission was to protect the underground access. Over lunch, they discussed the stairs going down to the new Ocean. Also, that there was one of our new submarines docked at a small Port. One Soldier said their job was to monitor the entrance to the ‘New Ocean’ and to change any burned-out bulbs on the stairs. The opening to the staircase was behind their hut.