Alice's Soldiers Page 6
He thought of his buddies from the plane, but they were gone, for now, their spirits left an emptiness that will always linger.
He closed his eyes again knowing his wife will be the one to wake him up. The last call sounded; the fog machine switched to its sweet sleep memory tract.
Clark had a pleasant dream; he could see his little Joeann with a stuffed bear in her arms bending over a baby wearing sunglasses.
Chapter Ten
The Princess and Prince realized while watching an old cowboy movie that the fist-fighting was a fake. So, from that day on they along with their childhood friends they all learned how to pull their punches, and they became superb at it.
For the next few months, the house and its residences were in chaos. The contractors arrived on a Monday with a few empties trash bins and a company trailer. They worked on the house and didn’t stop until the entire home was finished. The inside was painted. The large attic (Third floor) was winterized and broken down into two rooms, a playroom and one area for the Soldiers.
The workers laid expensive Antique Oriental Rugs in every bedroom and the living room. New Pine stained stairs with wooden banisters replaced the old one. A new plumbing system was exchanged for the old one. Two modern bathrooms were installed, one on the first floor and another on the second. The old bathrooms got new tubs, showers, sinks, mirror cabinets, and toilets. The window frames were replaced, and bulletproof glass installed. The big brick house got a new roof and a Chimney for Santa Claus. They added new shutters and a new front porch. The fireplaces were cleaned and ready to go. Landscapers planted new turf in the front and backyards. They planted large pine and Christmas trees in the front yard.
The Soldiers installed cameras throughout the house and grounds. They can now monitor the home’s entrances, including the doors and windows from the attic and basement stations. With the new security systems, monitors, and Soldiers everywhere, they now consider the house with their babies safe.
They put in some clothes chute along with a laundry station. They split the basement in two, one side for the two new washers and one dryer and the other side for the Soldiers.
The Troopers have already built a walking tunnel to ‘The Diner.’ The men are also, working twenty-four hours a day to construct additional floors beneath the house and a long shaft from this home to the Military Complex on Fifth Avenue in Flatbush.
Meanwhile, the three babies, Alice, Robert, and Joeann were, inseparable. They played together all day. Robert and Alice could not eat together because she loved to throw her food at Robert. “She is smart; we caught her taking some mashed potatoes from his plate and smashing it into her head, then she screamed and pointed at Robert.”
You were both around three years old when you two were separated for a while to see what would happen. We knew you two would get married or stay together (at least for Alice’s sake), but that was a million years in the future. So, your mother Elizabeth took you and your brother Billy to visit your Aunt Gloria in New Jersey for the weekend. To see what would happen when you two were apart for a few days.
They left for New Jersey early on a Friday morning. Elizabeth wanted to return on Sunday night. It was an enjoyable trip; they took the elevator train at Flatbush and Greene Avenue to Union Square, in New Your City. The three of them walked through customs for a five-dollar bill. The boys couldn’t believe the size and wonders of Penn Station. With wide eyes, they traveled over large bridges and through long dark tunnels. They transferred to the NJ Transit Train line (which runs up and down the North Jersey Coast). After a thrilling train ride from New York City, NY to Bradley Beach, NJ, the three travelers arrived.
When baby Alice woke up that day (Friday), she realized that something was wrong, because she had no eyesight. She sat up and called out something that sounded like Robert. Alice continued calling for Robert for half an hour, as she yells for help grew more desperate Grandma Lily picked her up and tried to console her with some baby-talk., Alice laid down on the couch with the family pet, Lily Kemble and cried softly like her life was over.
Once Alice realized Robert left (In her mind) no one could pick her up. Alice wouldn’t eat, all she did was lie on the sofa with the dog. At bedtime, Lily put her nightshirt on, Grandma, Marie help Alice with the bathroom. She found her bed and started the same soft crying. Freddy spent the night sitting in a chair next to her bed.
In the middle of the night, “Alice’s father woke everyone up by yelling there is something wrong with the baby.” We rushed in and found Alice in a comma. We called Uncle Joe and told him what was going on. He came right over to the house
He took one look at baby Alice and said, “Get Robert.”
We called your mom and told her Alice was sick, and Uncle Joe asked for Robert to come “right away. Your father and Uncle Joe went to Penn Station to pick you guys up.”
It was around noon when you arrived. As soon as possible, we put you next to Alice. It was adorable you sat next to her and poked her, hard. Her father got a little mad. Alice sat up opened her eyes ready to kill. Saw you punched you, jumped right on you, smiling, laughing and giggling. Her father refused to have you two ever separated again. They placed the beds next to each other. He also, straighten Alice out about throwing food and jumping on you.
Chapter Eleven
Around six months later there was another important ring on the front doorbell. Tracy answered the ring, opened the door and found two large men standing on the porch. One was wearing Royal Clothes, and the other had on a military uniform. A group of women dressed in royal gowns was standing behind them. The man introduced himself as the ‘King of the Soldiers,’ and he was here to see his Queen and his sons Billy and Robert. The other man said he was Freddy DeVan, and this was his house.
Tracy smiled bowed, invited the men and the ladies in, “then yelled Elizabeth your old man is here, and so is your Clare.”
Elizabeth came running saw the Queen of Queens and stopped, she genuflects and asked what she could do for her? Two things, she said. “Throw ice on your husband, and where is my baby girl? “Elizabeth who had on a pair of old slacks, an armless shirt, no make-up, and chaos in her hair jumped into her husband’s arms and stayed there.
Get off him Elizabeth we will be here for two days, said the Queen. Now, where is my baby where is her playpen?
My Queen said, “Elizabeth, everyone is in the backyard come and see.”
Tracy led the Ladies to the kitchen’s picture window, which looks over the backyard. The women including the Queen were watching a group of children playing in the yard; it appeared there were seven. One chubby baby who was wearing sunglasses was going up and down on an invisible pole, being followed by another baby, this one was walking straight as a Soldier The babies were talking to each other. The boy was laughing at something the girl with long black hair was pointing at a bunch of children. In one hand was a stuffed bear the other had a half-eaten fudgesicle.
The children’s clothes were clean, except for a few recent spots of dirt. They were so busy playing, wrestling and throwing things they didn’t see their audience, one cried and was picked up by Grandma Lily. The child stopped crying and fell asleep in Lily’s arms. The backyard looked like a beautiful play-land, one boy a few years older than the other children (Tony) was helping, Lily watch the children. Every time one of them walked out or crawl out of sight she told Tony to get the child.
Elizabeth came out, stepped over a sleeping baby, stopped, picked up the child, and continued giving orders, as she was tying back her brown hair. Elizabeth told her mom that the Queen, my husband, and Freddy are here. Come in, and we will have tea, then we can take a break and watch the children play. Elizabeth went over to her son Robert and told him we must get Alice off Sergeant Branden leg and that his father (Robert’s) was here.
Robert answered Mom would you, please do it. She hard to handle.
Most of the children we
re too small to understand Elizabeth, but a few got what she was saying. Elizabeth pulled Alice off the Soldier’s leg and sat her down; she then said something to Alice. Everyone saw the baby stand wobble over to a tree and kissed a space.
Grandma said, Tony, you’re in charge. She then when inside, genuflected to her Queen and started the tea with the help of a few of the visiting ladies. All the ladies have been friends since childhood where they played together in an in a backyard like the one the new babies have.
The Queen wanted to help her friends, but her dress was getting in the way. So, she sat down next to the King of the Soldiers and asked what was going on?”
He said “my wife is wearing Murphy Oil as perfume. Elizabeth scrubbed this floor, this morning.”
Elizabeth walked in and said” my Queen; my son Robert, and your daughter Alice will teach the children how to curtsy and bow, please give them a few minutes?”
The Queen was acting like a brat; she would end this nonsense, (The visit) she was used to the Royal life with its never-ending servants and services. All she wanted to do was see her daughter and then go home. But, one word changed her attitude and her life.
As Queen Sandra, the 4th was waiting; she heard a noise in her head. Then the same sound again, but she couldn’t understand it. The soft voice entered her head one more time, this time she closed her eyes, concentrated and then realized someone was calling her ‘Mommy.’ It was a lovely happy voice with a cheerful tone. Then the Queen looked up; out the window and saw her baby, Alice, sitting in the mud trying to wave at her. The Queens’ heart stopped then exploded. It was her baby saying hello. No one has ever entered her mind like that. She closed her eyes and said to herself, “baby this is your mom how are you doing honey and at the last second, I love you?”
A few minutes went by without a sound, then she heard in her head, Mommy I give up on Robert, I have told him a million times to cut off their heads, and all he does is a laugh. And then, I must go, Mommy, leave Robert to me.
The Queen laughed her baby was only two, and she was already in love. Sandra couldn’t wait to tell her husband the King of All, the power that the one word ‘Mommy’ has. She said to herself that this child with a few breaks would make a phenomenal ruler, and now it was her job to make it possible.
“Sandra told Elizabeth’s husband John what just happened to her word by word and then she made the King promised to help her make Alice the next Queen.”
Elizabeth ran into the house, gave a lady the sleeping baby Joeann, which she has been carrying around. She told the woman that Tracy the baby’s Mother will finish her chores soon. Elizabeth announced that the children have a little play for the visitors. OK, here they come!
The women sat down with Sandra and King John to watch the children. Freddy and his wife Clare disappeared. The audience, except for Elizabeth and the Queen, did not understand what these babies would try to do?
The people at the table were talking and drinking tea and not looking at the backyard. A line of marching children got their attention. They stopped and turned left as ordered by a well-dressed baby, carrying a small baton.
Another child, wearing sunglasses, with long black hair kept on falling. Each time she fell, the boy with the baton would strike her gentle on the rear end and order her to get up.
The women in the kitchen were laughing and then they felt bad for the baby with the sunglasses until she took the baton off the little soldier and slammed him with it knocking him down.
As she sauntered away, the boy reached out and tripped her up, knocking her down on her ass.
The ladies and the King didn’t say a word, knowing the battle was still ongoing.
Alice got up pulled up her diaper and marched towards her victim.
When Alice pulled her diaper up the audience went nuts yelling and screaming things like you go girl.
The Queen was the proudest women in Brooklyn.
The baby with the black hair kicked Robert and wobble away.
Elizabeth came out and gathered the children together and with the help of the older boys got Alice and Joeann to join them in front of the window. As soon as all the kids were together, Elizabeth gave them an order.
Facing the window, the boys bowed, and the girl’s curtsy except for Alice who fell face forward and didn’t move. She was pronounced dead.
Grandma Lily said they watched too much television.
The children continued their play by dragging around the now dead Alice as if it was a funeral possession.
Elizabeth opened the back door and yelled get in here monsters.
The pallbearers just dropped Alice and ran inside expecting a treat. Alice jumped up at once and tackled Robert. She knocked him down, jumped on him and tried to punch him but he was laughing so much, Alice couldn’t punch him.
Sandra, the Queen, dragged Alice off Robert, picked her up and hugged her. She carried her over to a chair and sat down in the sunny backyard.
Robert ran off to the house saw his Dad, walked up to him and saluted
“Alice sat on her knee and told the Queen Mother everything that happened that day. Then the little Princess sighed after she got everything off her chest.”
Sandra sat in the backyard holding her baby for about an hour thinking. She couldn’t wait to tell husband how lucky they are and how Elizabeth’s son, is dead meat. They have already decided on Robert’s life. Alice would be a lovely, woman, and a free spirit.
Lily came out and sat across from her old friend Sandra and said nothing like she was waiting for orders.
“The Queen spoke softly not wanting to wake up the baby which brought a smile to Lily’s face. When are you returning to the Royal Court, Lily?”
I am waiting for my Queen’s request.
I know you must take care of your Daughter, Elizabeth, and your two Grandsons, Billy and Robert. Do you think you can add Alice to that group?
Sandra, I love Alice more than life. I will take care of her and all the children. I will return to the Court with Robert and Alice.
“Lily, I will visit as much as I can, but I want to keep Robert and Alice’s existence a secret. We will talk all the time, and you must send me copies of any photos you take of the three families,” said the Queen.
The rest of the day flew by.
They brought in two babysitters so the adults could visit New York City for the night. They booked the King and Queen of the Soldiers into the Ritz for the evening. Queen Sandra stayed home with her daughter.
Queen Sandra made a few calls, and as a gift to the women, she got them rooms, at the Ritz. The aristocrats borrowed clothes from the girls, and they were off to the City.
Queen Sandra sat outside in the lovely sun and held on to her daughter for dear life while her mind was running at a mile a minute on how to protect her baby from the creeps of the World.
She held her for a while and brought her into the children’s bedroom where there was a cute productions line, a nurse fed the babies, (Robert, Alice, and Joeann) cleaned them up, changed them and after a burp put them into a crib. The older children while eating destroyed the kitchen before their nightly trip to the TV set.
When the children were sleeping, the Queen and Tony were watching Television, Sandra asked “Tony to check the kids. Tony ran into the room and said Robert and Alice were moving around.”
Sandra ran to the baby’s room and stopped in her tracks, little Robert was sleeping on his stomach, and Alice was sleeping next to him with her small hand hanging on to Robert’s nightshirt. She also heard a sound coming out of her baby, so she got closer, and listened to a cooing noise coming from Alice.
Queen Sandra contacted her husband and told him about Alice hanging on to Robert, as she was rocking baby Joeann, who couldn’t sleep.
The King said to bring all of them home including their mothers and that baby you are holding.
Greg, can you see us?
Yes, through the Television, new equipment from the Soldier’s laboratories.
Well, hold on to your hat or crown or whatever you have on. Sandra got Tony’s attention gave him Joeann to hold and said: “we would be right back.” The Queen crept into the children’s bedroom pushed Robert and Alice’s crib into the T.V. room. She then picked up the phone and said, Mr. King can you see them?
The answer was yes; the babies are beautiful. Who is that little kid next to you and is he holding a baby?
Greg that is my assistant Tony, he is Clare and Freddy’s son. He is holding Joeann, Tracy’s daughter. My ladies and the women from this home are all partying in New York City with Elizabeth and John. They are staying overnight and will be here first thing tomorrow. Now here are Robert and Alice.
“After a pause the ‘King’ said they are beautiful did you see the length of her hair? Greg asked if she is hanging on to him and what is that noise?”
Did you notice how big they are, asked Sandra? Alice is holding on to his nightshirt which she does every night. The noise is Alice cooing like a bird. When they wake up, they’re bigger and stronger.
O.K., my Queen, I’m planning a trip to Brooklyn to review the new Military Complex. I should be there in a few months. We will have a banquet for the family and some of our friends. I would like to have everyone dressed to the hilt. Do you think the Princess and her boyfriend would be available?
Sandra on another subject, we must meet with King John, and the Soldier’s Command and decide what to do with our family. It’s fallen apart the Soldiers are our only hope. I’m in the middle of complete chaos. Our children and the other families are driving me nuts.
Sandra, you better help little Tony with the baby he is holding, she is about to fall on her head. The Queen as quick as a flash grabbed Joeann. She placed the baby in a burping position on her shoulder and told her husband don’t get mad at Tony it’s hard to stare at a ‘King’ when you are only a little kid.