Alice's Soldiers Read online

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  Dear, Joanne needs to burp because she ate her supper too fast. The Queen was all excited, honey she said, let me tell you one more thing your daughter did.

  O.K., I fell asleep in an armchair and Robert who is two and half years old woke me up and told me that Alice had to go to the bathroom. Greg, I do not understand how this baby got to my chair? Thinking about it, I believe he spoke from the crib. That solves the problem of how he got out of the crib because he never left it.

  So, I changed our smiling, chubby baby and put her back in their crib. Robert was already back there sleeping because he never left. Alice talks to Robert, and he is her interpreter.

  After I put Alice back in the crib, she kept on fusing until I put her on her side and placed her tiny hand on Robert’s nightshirt. She grabbed that shirt like she was a tiger, pulled herself closer to him, fell asleep and cooed. Greg, I can’t stop watching these two babies? Remember, Greg no matter what we do if we brought the babies home and put them in the middle of our children and relatives, they would be murdered. Mr. King, we must hide them until they become adults and can take care of themselves. How are we going to explain to the King of the Soldiers we killed his gifted son?

  It took two days for everyone in the house to get back to normal from their night of partying. King John moved to the Military complex in Brooklyn, Elizabeth joins him after they put the babies down for the night, only to return in the morning.

  Knowing her party would be with Elizabeth and the kids for at least two months; she planned on the best way to spend their time. The Queen hasn’t had this much energy for years. “The Queen called for an early morning meeting, in the Kitchen. “Lily and an old friend helped her get the table extensions put in and then prepared a light breakfast of egg sandwiches and tea.

  Sandra said, ‘Good Morning’ and thank you for coming. I imagine that Tracy, Clare, and Grandma Marie must wonder who the hell is this woman? I have asked Queen Elizabeth to explain to you who we are.

  “Elizabeth stood up and” said hello everybody” I am smiling because our (King John) youngest son Robert’s health has improved. He was a sickly kid until Alice slept next to him in their crib. Both are getting stronger. We found out they can read each other minds, and god knows what else? I am also smiling, because it is nice to get under the covers with my husband John, at night, at least for a while.”

  “My Queen asked me to explain ‘The Families.’ It would take too long for me to clarify their existences. But, let’s say they have been here a hundred thousand years. So, I will ask you, Tracy, Clare, and Marie to accept what I say as a fact for now. Queen Sandra has already scheduled Royal Tutors to come here to educate our children and will answer your questions.”

  Elizabeth started by saying the World is controlled by ‘Eleven Families.’ Not by the countries, America or Russia. Each family has a King and Queen and a Noble class. Their income comes from their corporations and assets. They have their own Castles, Armies, Navies, Cities, and Towns.

  Each families’ King must approve all marriages. If there is no King, the Queen must decide. Nobles can’t marry anyone in their family. For example, Alice is the daughter of the ‘King of all Kings’ while Robert is the son of the King of the Soldiers two different families. So, they can marry. The Soldiers are a new family; it’s only been around for a thousand years. While Sandra’s family is thousands of centuries old, the King or Queen is decided by hereditary of a Noble title.

  There are families no one knows about or wants to know. Is there a Devil family or a God’s family? We don’t know the answer to that question, but all agreed there are mysterious families in the ‘Darkness?’

  Our planet has been here for four billion years, so, it would not be unusual for a Human race to be here at least a million years. Families are not hiding; we are just not telling you where they are. Families control the Universities, the media, map making, exploring and about everything else that has to do with recording information. Some families have members who have been running the map making business for centuries, father-son, to son and on.

  “Queen Sandra took over the meeting and sworn loyalty from each person in the room. She then ordered her noble friends to work hand in hand for the next few months with the three new members of her Court, Tracy, Clare, and Grandma Marie.”

  The confused new Royal Court members soon understood after Elizabeth sat them down and explained to them what just happened. It thrilled the new Court members when they realized their children will receive titles and can look forwarding to a beautiful, exciting life.

  “The Queen put Grandma Lily in-charge of the ladies’ chores. Her first job was to develop a work-schedule; from shopping to duties at home and or the Diner.”

  Sandra, the Queen, continued with one significant change, the children will be home-schooled, by Royal and local tutors.

  The Aunts and Uncles got to meet the visiting ladies and made them part of the family. At night when the children were sleeping, everyone sat around in the Kitchen eating and laughing about the day’s activities.

  “One lady started with a story: wait till the Court hears about a Baroness who walked a mile by herself through a dark tunnel. Help clean up a Diner, close it. But not before making a meal for fifteen women, then dragging the food back to the house, help serve it and then down a glass of street gin. Everyone laughed at the embarrassed Baroness. She stood up and said I loved every moment. I will tell you something else the baby with the sunglasses is their leader and the boy, Robert is her Knight.”

  At this meeting, “Tracy asked the Queen (they became friends) if she would see her again?”

  Sandra said “Tracy you are a member of my family now I have hundreds of balls and parties, and I am sure I will see you soon.”

  As information, right now Alice’s Mother and Father ruled the world. Their primary residence is on a large Island between South American and African. There is another Island in the middle of the Pacific and many properties in the mountains all own by the eleven families. The public has never seen any of these properties. There are no pictures or any public map available.

  ‘The King of All’ told his “Queen the children in the Royal Court, including their own, were spoiled, weak, lazy and useless. They would be hopeless in helping protect their King and Queen. They are worthless.”

  Sandra, I want Robert and Alice to have a robust, healthy family waiting for them, said the ‘King.” They have this now in their Brooklyn home. We ‘Rule’ thanks to the gift of the Soldiers. But we have no control over them. If they want to walk away, we can’t stop them.

  Their King, John told me it thrills the Soldiers to protect little Alice and Robert, but they hate the Royal Court’s spoiled brats. The Soldiers are waiting for the opportunity to train Noble’s Families young people. They will enter everyone under thirty into a four-year training program. All trainees will have three tries to graduate. If an individual fails three times, he or she will be kept in the regular army.

  For our families’ survival, I have signed a ‘Decreed,’ The Royal Directions states that all nobles, females, and males, between the ages of ten to thirty, will report to the nearest Soldiers station for training. Upon completion, they will become officers at twenty-one. If they are already twenty-one or over, they will become officers automatically in the Families’ Army (Upon graduation from training). Any person who believes they have a reason, not to follow my order can come to see me in person and explain themselves.

  With the Queen’s approval, they decided it increase the Family’s representation in Brooklyn with a few businesses. It’s another way to keep tabs on your teenagers. They earn a few bucks a month, and you know where they are.

  Chapter Twelve

  Grandma Lily was the first one up. She tiptoed through the room where the cribs, beds, and playpens were. Grandma was on the way to the kitchen to start breakfast, but halfway their Lily heard a noise. “She st
opped and turned on a table lamp. In front of her was Alice and Robert playing in the playpen. Somehow, they had climbed out of their crib crawled over to the playpen, scrambled up the three-foot playpen’s webbing, and fell to its bottom. Grandma Lily investigated the children to see if they hurt themselves.”

  They were okay. When Lily bent over the playpen, little Alice jumped up, put her arms around Grandma and kissed her, meanwhile talking a mile a minute. Lily couldn’t understand what Alice was saying, so she looked at Robert while she was kissing the baby back?

  Robert said, “she loves you where is her Mommy and when are we going to eat?”

  Grandma Lily woke Tony up and asked him to get all the ladies up and at it. She sat on the sofa and didn’t know what else to do.

  Tony did his job well; all the ladies were running around getting dressed for work (Taking care of children is work). Tony and now Billy was running around at full speed, helping them find a piece of clothing they at once needed. The kids had to run anywhere from the basement dryer to the outside clothesline and even look under a bed. Billy, Steven, and Tony were becoming the lady’s little brothers. For the first time, the boys felt like somebody loved them.

  Grandma Lily was still in shock sitting on the couch. Sandra the Queen asked where are the babies?

  “I have given up said, Lily. “I watched Robert throw Alice out of the playpen.” Then he swanned dived out into a perfect roll-up and ran to the front door where Alice was already coiled up in a ball waiting for Robert to come so he could stand on her to open the front door, allowing Alice to find and drag in the Sunday’s Newspapers.

  I followed them with my dog and a rabbit to the Kitchen where they had both climbed up to their high chair seats to wait for breakfast. They are arguing over the newspaper, they both want the sports section. They have got married without us knowing about it. All the ladies laughed out loud.

  During breakfast, the Queen told everyone that the King of Kings was having a banquet for us tonight at the military complex. We have decided on one thing, no manner where she is raised in Brooklyn or our Castles’ all of you and your children will be with her.

  Alice is the future Queen of my Family and therefore the ruler of the world.

  The room became silent.

  That night the Soldiers worked the Diner. They are visible when they want to be. They have worked into the DeVan Families’ business by training as cooks, chefs, bartenders, waiters, and kitchen helpers. The Soldiers loved it because it gave them a few bucks to save for their families.

  Meanwhile, the Prosciutto shops and The Diner are getting busier every day. These growing businesses could use all the help they can get.

  The Queen decided that everyone, including the Aunts and Uncles, will meet her husband, the King at the banquet. Sandra the 4th brought in Ms. Smith. She arrived at the Bleecker Street address early in the Morning with her assistants, tailors, and hairdressers to ensure that all the quests have the proper clothes and jewelry to wear.

  Uncle Carmine was the only one who refused to change his outfit. He was Brooklyn’s chief of police, and he already had a uniform.

  The visiting ladies and the Queen had their Royal clothes. Elizabeth and Grandma Lily also had royal dresses to wear.

  Ms. Smart brought a large van full of gowns, Royal menswear, young children wear, and a few babies’ outfits. Once Ms. Smart and the guest agreed on the gown she wanted to wear, (Miss. Smith’s) helper would fit the dress on the guest.

  Aunt Mary, Aunt Joan, Tracy, Grandma Maire, Clare, and Sarah found themselves in a fantasy world as they picked out their gowns and accessories. Uncle Joe and Carmine son, Carmine Jr., looked great in their long coats and puffed up shirts. All the boys loved their military outfits with the mandatory sword.

  The three boys, Tony, Billy, and Steven looked like young lords. Sarah was wearing lipstick and her first gown. She glowed, as she poised for the Royal Newspaper’s Photographer.

  Freddy was busy working the family’s catering business.

  Robert dressed in an everyday white uniform with a military hat, and baton looked impressive. Alongside him was his Princess.

  They dressed Alice in a ‘Satin White-Gown’ with matching long gloves and a diamond tiara. They combed her black hair out. Joeann loved her pretty dress but, she kept on getting it dirty by falling, so Ms. Smith carried her around with a few changes. Sarah and Alice wore make-up for the first time. Sarah loved it, and she believed she was in heaven.

  Alice hated her make-up, her dress, jewelry, and Robert. She wore her sunglasses and was being carried by one of Ms. Smith assistants.

  Besides the immediate family, they invited many military officers with their families along with some significant vendors and their families.

  To get to the Military Complex, the family had to go through the basement of their house and the Soldiers’ station to an underground train fifteen minutes away from the party.

  A few Royal Servants were on hand to help. Everyone walked downstairs to the basement to start their underground trip. Queen Sandra took Alice from Ms. Smith’s assistant. She carried the constant talking and pointing Princess. Tracy followed carrying a sleeping Joeann. Aunt Mary walked with Sarah while the two Uncles walked with the three boys. Grandma Lily and Elizabeth escorted Robert while they both gave him a thousand instructions on how to handle Alice.

  The first surprise was the Soldiers Station; they packed the small room full of electronic equipment. They had to pull Robert away from the computers. Alice was waiting and took a swing at him with her gold baton. The second surprise was that there was a full-sized train waiting, which they boarded, a Soldier in a Santa Claus suit was the engineer. They dressed the many conductors as Elves. The Christmas songs started along with the train and continued until it returned. A few minutes later it arrived at the Complex.

  The Queen and Elizabeth got off the train first and joined their husbands, who were waiting for them.” Now the Queens could introduce the ‘King’ to his new children, including their parents and Uncles, and Aunts. The ‘King’ pulled them aside and told them that their children would get the best education available. They will also spend the rest of their lives with the Princess.”

  The Elves were having a problem with the last two passengers and asked for Queen Elizabeth’s help. “As she was climbing back onto the train, you could see she was steaming. Alice’s father said,” I think our little darlings will come out wailing.”

  Elizabeth returned in a minute with a smile on her face. She shocked the two Kings when she said, Ms. Princess doesn’t like wearing a dress, so she took it off, and the Elves can’t catch her. So, I told Robert to find her and drag her out of the train; I don’t care what Alice is wearing. I told her that the entire world is going to see her when she gets off the train and forget about dessert.”

  “After a slow five minutes, a disheveled Prince stepped out of the train, attached to his hand was a beautiful Princess wearing a beautiful white dress. Hearing the crowd roaring for the little ones made the Kings and Queens smile and almost jumped up and down.”

  The children walked as a prince and princess should. Their bodies were straight; heads held high, and they moved at a perfect pace.

  “Elizabeth said out loud, how did Robert get her dressed so fast and got her to walk so good?”

  The two walked right past the Kings and Queens without a word, causing the king to get annoyed.

  “His wife, Sandra said she doesn’t know who you are?”

  Just then the King heard a small voice in his head say, “Father I am having a dressing problem, give me a minute.”

  The ‘King,’ whispered to his wife “We are fucked.”

  They filled the long parallel rows of tables with guests. They set a long table on a two-step platform up for the Royal Family, which included the two ‘Kings’ (King of all and King of the Soldiers); Their wives, Sandra an
d Elizabeth, Court member Baroness Lily, Princess Alice, and Prince Robert. Also, four Soldier’s Generals.

  Everyone was standing, bowing and genuflecting as the Kings and Queens passed by, but the baby Princess and Prince caused the people to roar. Robert walked firm and straight never to falter, but Alice had to stop to jump up and down, then wave and shout at the guest only to return walking like a princess. Alice tried to pull her hand from Robert, but he was too stout. Her Mother the Queen told Robert, tomorrow everyone in the World would see you two in the newspapers (Royal Photographers were all over the place), and for a few moments they will smile and feel good.

  “The ‘King of Kings’ picked up his daughter Alice, who talked a mile a minute and pointed at Robert. His wife whispered something to him and they both laugh. The King looked at Robert; we think she is blaming you for everything. For now, tell her she is right, and you’re sorry. But, if she believes someone wants to harm us, she must inform the Soldiers right away. Tell her there will be no more public displays of childhood behavior, or it will separate the two of you. That’s a King’s order. And reminded her, she must act like a Princess”.

  “There was a good five minutes conversation between them some tears fell from a beautiful child with long black hair and from that day on the Prince, and Princess obeyed their King’s orders.”

  During dinner, the Princess got bored and played with her food. The little Prince corrected her. She didn’t say a word but gave Robert the eye, (which turned out to be the front-page photo in the Royal newspapers) the high Nobles somehow held their laughter.

  “Robert announced that Alice knows someone who wants to harm us, but she won’t tell me.”

  “The Queen said, Alice honey, do you want your dessert before Robert gets his?”