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Alice's Soldiers Page 8

  Alice said in English “Sure.”

  “The Queen asked Alice who is the person who intends to harm you and Robert? And, do you want to tell me everything terrible that Robert did to do you today?”

  “Alice looked at Robert, and he told her what her Mother said.”

  “After the Mother straightens out Alice’s sunglasses, the little lady, said Sure, Mommy. She stood up and jumped on to her mom’s lap. Alice landed with her Black hair flying everywhere and her black sunglasses almost falling off her face.”

  After her mother straightens out Alice’s sunglasses, the little lady talked a mile a minute as she was pointing at Robert, it was clear she was upset about something but didn’t know how to express it.

  They asked Robert to interpret what Alice said.

  Robert and Alice had a long conversation.

  It fascinated the Nobles listening to the two children talking and watching their facial expressions and hand motions.

  Robert said Dad, “Alice has discovered a plot that will kill all of us. Yesterday while she was running after me, she passed two servants talking, and a lot of information jumped into her head.”

  Alice didn’t know what to do. But she remembered it had something to do with this morning cereal and the sugar bowl. Alice didn’t want to scare me, so she took care of it herself by getting up early and throwing the sugar bowl away.

  Alice heard the servants taking today, but they stopped when they saw her.

  The Soldiers listening to this conversation were already on the move. They took down three servants in a matter of minutes. The overhead speakers were ordering the people at the banquet not to move or touch anything until there was an all-clear signal. Also, to hold their children on their laps. Elizabeth grabbed Billy and put him on her lap with a smile. The King of Kings gave Grandma Lily, Joanne. The Queen had Tony stand next to her husband. Tracy told Sarah to sit on her lap. Steven was standing next to Uncle Joe.

  Robert requested to speak. “They approved it, and then he outlined a plan that was interesting. The two Kings made a few suggestions, and they started the new strategy.”

  A few Army Troopers and scientists from the complex slowly walked around the tables and stopped every once in a while, and checked their fake blinking equipment. Meanwhile, Queen Sandra carried her daughter, Alice around the banquet area pretending she was showing her off to keep everyone distracted. The Queen whispered to her daughter something that Alice didn’t understand, so Robert who was in one soldier hidden rooms said to Alice ‘Charlie Chan.’

  “Immediately Alice spoke with a Chinese accent, which cracked up everyone, including one Soldier. Chan’s assistant soon solved the problem by finding a deadly poison in the desert’s frosting.

  All the desserts were at once removed to the labs, at the Complex.

  The Queen bought Angelo’s Pasties shop, on Flatbush Avenue and had all its pasties delivered to the banquet.

  The King of Kings had babysitters brought in, to watch the children. There were about twenty kids at the banquet; the children had their party filled with pastries, clowns, and games.

  They rearranged the banquet tables to move the guests closer to the ‘Kings.’ The released the open bar. The formal dinner turned into a party.

  One Grandma Marie, two Mothers, Clare and Tracy, two Uncles, Joe and Carmine and the two Aunts, Mary and Joan each received a wrapped present holding a piece of Royal jewelry.

  The Kings stopped the party to make an announcement. King Greg said we are building a massive hotel and shopping center on top of the Military Complex.

  The hotel’s top five floors will be condos for our family. Each apartment will be a mini-mansion. We will have the best 24/7 security in the World. In a few months, each family will receive a floor plan of their Condo. I will give you plenty of time to make any adjustments you want. The Top floor will be a fabulous apartment for Robert and his girlfriend when they are twenty-one and marriage

  Also, the Soldiers are building a massive Fort at the Military Complex, with Barracks for ten thousand Soldiers. It will have, ten large cafeterias, a substantial modern hospital, laboratories, therapy wings also, operating rooms and a complete teaching school for nurses and Doctors.

  The two Kings retired to a private room. They were both outraged about the attempt on their family’s lives and how close they got. The ‘King of Kings’ wanted to turn over the complete leadership of his Monarch to the King’ of the Soldiers, John. It was just a manner of time. Well, now the time. The King called for the Queen and told her what he decided.

  His wife, who was technically in charge, agreed to everything because it seemed her family was falling apart.

  No wonder the Soldiers think we are fools. Two babies saved our alleged powerful family.

  “The party was over. Everyone when back to their homes or Castles, except for Queen Sandra and her husband, the ‘King.’ They wanted to spend a few days with their daughter. So, Grandma Lily, Elizabeth, and the babies had dinner with the Royal Family. The Prince and Princess didn’t mind being put into high chairs; they were starving. The French restaurant had two stars, and management wanted to impress the Royal Party.”

  “A waiter asked Alice in a slow, soft voice if she wanted a big hamburger and some French fries.”

  Alice said, “something that was short and brief (in baby-talk).”

  The waiter laughed and looked at the adults.

  Elizabeth said, “what did she say, Robert?”

  “She said your French asshole get us menus,” which put the dinners into hysterics.

  “Robert tells Ms. Brat we don’t use that kind of language, Elizabeth said. She apologized for the Princess and asked the now shocked waiter to give them menus. She suggested he switch to French to get back at the Royal brats.”

  “The server could not wait to tell the kitchen staff about his encounter with the Princess. The chef, famous in his own right walked out to the table to see what was going on.

  Elizabeth knew him and got up and wished him luck. He gave each of the children a menu. The man had a smile on his face waiting to see what was coming next.

  “The Princess looked at her menu pushed Robert and asked him a few questions as she pointed to items on the menu. After a short conversation, Robert in perfect French ordered two escargots as appetizers, two small-medium rare steak Diane with mushroom sauce, steaming hot mashed potatoes and for dessert, Crème brûlée. Robert pulled out a pen, and the little royal brats signed their menus.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “The tutors came to Bleecker Street to teach the children their ABC’s. The students, Tony, Steven, Billy, and Sarah attended class Monday thru Friday in the living room. Robert, Joeann, and Alice sat on the staircase steps staring at the teacher and his students during these educational sessions. Friday was the test day. The older children begged Robert and Alice to help them. These two had already drained the tutor’s mind as they watched the teachers teach.”

  Joeann who sat between them was as happy as a lark. Robert and Alice knew the test’s answers and passed them to their brothers and sister using a family code, the tap of a pencil.

  By the end of the first month, Robert and Alice had High School finished by the end of Summer they had college finished

  A new member joined the family, Gloria. She was living with her mother and father on the third floor of an apartment building behind the Bleecker Street House.

  Gloria remembers when she first saw the stupid kids next store. They were babies, some in diapers and if the weather was good, they play games in the backyard. They were in a safe place; they had toys, a puppy, and a Mother or Grandmother outside with them. There was always a babysitter around picking one up for a diaper change or just cuddling or even the ever-needed bandage.

  “Mom and I used to watch them from our kitchen window and laughed at the kids being ordered arou
nd by a baby who had beautiful black hair and wore sunglasses. For a child, she walked well; a lovely woman usually carried her around.”

  Here’s the good news there was a boy about my age (Tony) who just walked around watching the brats when the mothers were busy.

  “My Mom forced me (Gloria) to go down there climb over the fence and ask the boy if I could play with them. The boy was named Tony he was about my age, and he wanted me to hang around. When Lunchtime came, and they called everyone inside. I hid in the bushes. The women named Elizabeth came out and called my name I was too embarrassed to move.”

  About thirty minutes later, the kids came back to their toys and dreams. I walked back thru the bushes, as I entered the playland, I was stopped in my tracks by the baby named Alice. I thought she was blind. Her shadow was standing next to her. I think his name is Robert? It amazed me at the size of the kid; he even looks like he had muscles. As I stood here figuring out what to do, Alice walked up and gave me a small lunch bag then they both disappeared.

  I opened the bag and found a napkin, a plastic fork, two cheese sandwiches, a piece of strawberry pie and a note telling me I have a formal invitation to have lunch with them every day.

  The next day Elizabeth came outside and took me inside for lunch. That night there was a knock on the door it was Elizabeth and Tony. I could have died after I had bragged so much about how beautiful my house was and how happy my parents were and on and on.

  I ran into my bedroom and hid in the corner and cried as a little girl does. Then a giant ocean wave of emotional pain hit me, and I screamed and curled up into a small sphere and wailed. The invisible agony hurt terrible, and it was getting worse, my body was getting ready to explode.

  It only took a polite knock on my door to cease the complete hell life threw at me. The crying stopped. The wave of pain was withdrawing back into the sea, waiting to be called again. I can’t remember when anyone has ever knocked on my bedroom door before.

  “Honey, it’s your Mother and Tony from the house next store, please baby open your door.”

  I opened the door with tearful eyes and a sad face and ran into my mother’s arms and told her I was sorry for lying about all the beautiful things we didn’t have.

  Hi, Gloria, it’s me, Tony, hurry, or you will miss supper.

  “Elizabeth said hi honey; I talked to your Mom Betty she coming to dinner too. Would you like to go with us?”

  I said Yes, Yes, wait for us. Tony turned and ran downstairs as fast as his little legs could go.

  Mom and I put on our best stuff. I was watching her put on some makeup and dumb me realized Mom was beautiful. She didn’t need my drunken bum of a father.

  It was strange walking through their front door at night. There appeared to be a lot of construction going on, but it was hard to check it out or do anything because an adorable baby with thick black hair and sunglasses had her arms wrapped around my leg and every step, I took I had to drag her along with me. My Mother was laughing, and I was gigging until Elizabeth pick the baby up.

  Elizabeth asked Gloria, please introduce this gang to your Mother.

  All eyes turned to Gloria, with a smile she jumped on an ottoman and said “I don’t know everyone but, this is my Ma. Her name is Betty we live next store on the third floor.”

  Now for this crowd, pointing at a seven-year-old tall, thin boy with black hair, she said is my boyfriend, “Tony.”

  Tony almost died, but he smiled and raised his hand. Gloria continued that fat thing over there is his brother Steve (As information all Brooklyn children have fresh mouths). Standing next to him is his Ma, Clare. Those two little girls sitting in front of Clare are Sarah and Joanne. They are total brats; their mother Tracy is at work. The baby in the playpen is Robert. The big fella standing next to my boyfriend is Billy. Robert and Billy are Elizabeth’s sons.”

  Elizabeth spoke, Welcome to our home, dear, this is Clare’s house, now, please join us for dinner. The children will eat in the living room, and we will have the kitchen for ourselves. After dinner Uncle Joe the family Doctor and his wife Aunt Mary will stop by.

  Elizabeth had already met Betty and told her that Gloria had been coming over each day for around a month to play with the rest of the gang. And we made sure she has lunch with us.

  Betty said I hadn’t told her, but we may have to move in with my mother, I lost my job and had been feeling lousy.

  I don’t know what to do with her father being a drunk. He lives on the street.

  Elizabeth said I called our Uncle Joe before you got here. He wants to look at you. Everyone had to leave the Kitchen while Uncle Joe, Elizabeth, and my Mom stay behind, I don’t know why.

  To finish things up, I (Gloria) moved into this nutty family, while my Mother and Father ended up living in clinics in West Virginia. Grandma, Lily became my guardian, and I was the luckiest kid in the World.

  Elizabeth walked into the living room, picked me up as if I was a little bird. Her comforting voice told me I would stay with Grandma, Lily and help take care of the six children. Elizabeth kissed away my tears and put me on my mom’s lap.

  I have never seen my Mom happier. She told me she and dad were going away for treatment and I would stay with the crazy kids. Doctor Uncle Joe told me what was wrong with my mother and she will be fine soon.

  “Mom said she and dad would stay in medical clinics in West Virginia for treatment. Meanwhile, in a laughing matter, she told me I must live with those dumb children.”

  A few years later, Elizabeth took me to see my Mother.

  After days of travel on a small boat through frightening caverns. We arrived at a colossal Castle. Elizabeth took my shaking hand as we entered a costume party. It was like we were in fairyland, with everyone wearing medieval clothing. I told her I had nothing like that in my suitcase and would die.

  “Elizabeth stopped and whispered wait, honey. Elizabeth always treated the children as if we were her son or daughter. With servants following us and carrying our suitcases, we entered a large apartment. My mom and a royalty dressed good looking man were waiting for us in one room.”

  My Mom ran over and kept on saying how big and how beautiful I was as she picked me up and kiss me. The man ran to Elizabeth, picked her up, kissed and hugged her with pleasure. Elizabeth with a blushing face said Gloria I want you to meet my husband ‘The King.’ I looked at him in total awe.

  My mom whispered that I must curtsy, which I did about three times.

  The ‘King’ picked me up and looked at Elizabeth and asked, is this one of our children? Elizabeth said yes dear. Now, ladies, I will take him away we have a million things to do before tonight’s ‘Royal supper.’ Gloria, you and your mom, will sit next to me, so don’t worry about anything.

  The rest of the day flew by, Mom and I had lunch in our room.

  “Mom said she was studying to be a Soldiers’ nurse. Dad was doing good. He finished an intense drying out treatment on his way to get his health back. Gloria, you won’t believe this after a three-month evaluation review the doctors told him the best thing for him was to become a chef. Besides being treated for health issues, he studied cooking. They have already accepted him for a spot in the Fifth Avenue Complex’s Catering Service. Honey, we will all be together at least for a few years.”

  Mother, why we would only be together for a few years?

  Gloria, you’re too young to realize it but the ‘King’ has just adopted you, and as soon as Princess Alice takes over her Castle and lands, you must join her Royal Court. Yes, Gloria, before you ask, this goes for all the kids in the Brooklyn family.

  It seemed like hundreds of people came flying in at out of our apartment all day. I even got dragged to a Spa by two young nutty maids. I asked them what your names are? They told me they didn’t have names. One of them fell into the tub. The other one said they were going to serve the Princess and she will name us if she w
ants. We will spend the rest of our life with her.

  Back at our chambers my mother and I each picked out a dress for daily wear and a gown for the Kings’ supper. We both got to wear some of Elizabeth’s jewelry which she bought from her rooms to show us. She put them on us.

  I had a special Court assistant explain the Royal Court’s etiquette. The evening banquet was unbelievable. I had a bunch of young men around me all night. That night we walked just behind Elizabeth and sat right next to her. I told the guys that I had been promised to Anthony of Flatbush. Elizabeth thought that was hilarious.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The three babies, Robert, Alice, and Joeann, were ten years old. The Prince and the Princess were huge for their age, but still babies in a way. They loved Joeann. She never left their side.

  Tony and Gloria were the oldest at fifteen and refused to acknowledge the three babies’ existences. Billy, Steven, and Sarah were around thirteen; and were waiting to be teenagers.

  One day, Alice asked Grandma Lily is it correct that Robert and I were almost killed when we were little? Is that true?

  “Yes, Grandma Lily said, I was there. Three gangsters from your step-mother’s family tried to take you and Robert away. They failed, so they decided to kill both of you instead.”

  “Alice, somehow you knew they were coming. You chased the other children Tony, Billy, Steven. Gloria, Joeann, and Sarah into the house. Robert made sure that someone carried Joeann. As the kids were entering the house, they yelled to call the police or Alice, and Robert will die. It was just me and your Grandmother, Marie at home. Elizabeth and Tracy were working. We ran outside to get you.”

  The children said you both were hiding in the back brushes with Lily Kemble (Dog).”

  Alice, Your Grandma and I didn’t know what to do. “The children told us to call the police, but we hoped it was one of your elaborate games and decided to take you two into the house. As we were nearing the backyard, we saw you two sorts of hiding.”