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Alice's Soldiers Page 22

  Someone interrupted the women, with a ‘Hi Honey,’ Hi ladies, baby look what I found I forgot I had them and kissed her.

  Alice said, “you’re a pig,” and turned to the group of women, see what I must put up with him?

  “It amazed the women how Alice could act so nonchalant when a seven-foot man wearing a tiny pair of swimming trunks walked up to her and kissed her.”

  “A few women, with smiles on their faces, said things like “Poor Princess” and “Is he coming back?”

  Alice laughed and told. ‘Nit’ and ‘Wit’ to get clothes for Robert and make sure he puts them on or he’s not allowed back into the meeting hall. Alice knew the two maids would love their assignment.

  They held a general assembly were Robert and Alice addressed the town’s residents. Alice said “I called Queen Elizabeth about an hour ago. She asked me to pass on to a few changes she wants to make. The Queen will be visiting you in a few weeks, to meet with you and talk about your problems,

  Robert addressed the group, Alice, has asked me to make the following changes: take fifty soldiers off our guarding assignment and establishing twenty-four-hour police in this colony. We have already contacted the hospital at Fort Barlow, and they will be sending a mobile medical core here right away. Monday you will be receiving an ambassador, from Queen Elizabeth.

  To build a hospital here and staff it with Soldier’s Doctors and Nurses.

  Plus, Alice said they were taking a child and her mother with them for medical treatment at the Fort. Her husband will meet us there.

  A baby goat and a tiny rabbit which were left by their parents will also go with us.

  The Soldiers believed every man, women, and child and even every animal should have a chance at some life. It protects all the animal’s babies if they are in a Soldier’s Society. No longer are the young animals hunted and killed. Animal traps are illegal. This law is enforced. When the animal is ready to migrate to the thick woods, they will have a reasonable chance of surviving. The Soldier’s children do not go off to battle until they are at least 30 years old, giving them an opportunity to enjoy and or experience life.

  About three in the morning a ‘Royal Family Vehicle’ pulled up in front of the Meeting Hall. A few local women were waiting around the front of the ‘Hall.’ A Beautiful woman stepped out of the massive mobile bus. She looked around and said nothing to the small group of women waiting for her in front of the ‘Hall.’ The tall, thin woman in a ‘Royal Red’ gown was wearing a long white apron covering everything except the tip of her black pointed boots.

  The locals unloaded a few trunks and clothing racks. Everything was stamped with a plain Royal Emblem. It was a strange looking emblem because it was blank, no coat of arms on it. Without notice, the tall hatless woman just marched into the ‘Hall’ followed by her helpers expecting to wake the travelers. The local women couldn’t wait to see how close the travelers were from each other. They made a few wagers between the women on this question. It turned out everyone was wrong. The Princess’ bed was empty.

  The woman with no name looked around and kicked a sleeping baby goat. The baby cried as she jumped off the small pillow she was lying on and landed on an empty bed. She stood there for a few seconds and still crying, ran up the wooden steps leading to the second floor and a broad wooden beam that ran across the middle of the ‘Meeting Hall.’ Instead of running left on the second floor into a hallway the tiny goat ran out onto the beam.

  Everyone followed the baby goat actions until it ended up in Alice’s arms, where it closed its eyes, stopped crying and went to sleep.

  Alice wearing a blue ‘Baby Doll’ nightie and Robert just in his pajama bottoms were sitting on the beam with their legs swinging over it. On seeing the people down below, Alice whispered something into Robert’s ear, and they both jumped down to meet their visitors, with Robert landing just in time to catch Alice.

  All the women including the strange visitor curtsy upon seeing Alice standing after Robert put her down. She told Robert to stop staring at the curious visitor. Alice turned to the local women, her friends, and with a smile on her face said, as she was handing the goat to Edna stop staring at Robert, you’re a married woman with children.

  Edna said in return well you better put something on before the men come in and see your ‘Baby Dolls’ and I will be the one to deal will Bill tonight.

  Alice laughing accepted a robe given to her by the visitor from one of the clothing racks and said, ‘You wish Edna’ and thank you Ms. Jennie Smart for the gowns.

  The ‘Hall’ was silent as everyone took in just what happened.

  Questions in people minds started to ‘Pop’ up: How did Alice know this woman name? How did they get to the beam so fast? Ms. Smart knew this woman was the Queen’s daughter. In secrecy, the Queen told her that her daughter Alice would be the next ‘Queen of All.’ Which was the second shock? Now Ms. Smart wondered. Did the Monarchy know the Princess has a boyfriend? And she was running around half naked with ordinary people? The child had a giant lover who looks like he escaped from a circus.

  Alice walked over to Ms. Smart and asked what up?

  Ms. Smart curtsy and said the Queen wants me to help you two with some clothes for tomorrow event.

  What event asked Alice?

  You must walk about a mile to meet the people who show up to greet you in the next county.

  The woman from the Royal Court asked herself a few questions. How did they know she was coming, who was that giant with her, how could her mother let her sleep with an ordinary person? He didn’t act like a typical person. Ms. Smart said to herself; she will tell the Queen everything that happens.

  Alice took Ms. Smith aside,” she asked did my mother tell you we can read minds?”

  Ms. Smith fell to her knees, said “no, and trembled.”

  Alice said, fine” you’re forgiven, now give my maids what you want us to wear for Tomorrow. Also, find something to wear for the Reporter and Sally who are in the RV.”

  In the Morning when the Princess and Prince left their lodging, they found the square packed with people yelling and throwing flowers, the Soldiers had to open a pathway. The Royal Couple for the next five miles found a thousand cheering people and millions of flowers raining over them.

  The Soldiers’ families tossed flowers at them, at first, Alice who was carrying the little goat trying not to step on them, then the World turned into flowers, and she gave up.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Three U.S. Army busses pulled into Zone Five Area Four of the Fort Barlow’s training center as directed by the Military Police. All the Services were represented, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. The men and women dressed in parade uniforms couldn’t wait to get started on this lifetime career. Their duffel bags were unloaded packed into trucks and taken to the owner’s assigned rooms, not before being checked by X-ray equipment.

  A Sergeant was waiting to direct the Trainees to the staging area for an identification check. Each trooper received a silver bracelet with his or her name and a new ID number. Not like in the old days where the soldiers slept and lived in an open-ended barracks with metal bunk beds

  The soldiers lined up in equal rows to listen to a welcoming speech by their General. As soon as the last person was in order, the General spoke. “Good morning Special Forces Cadets.”

  Ladies and Gentlemen “Welcome,” We are all going to have an experience of a lifetime, in this Special Forces’ Program. For the next six months, you will go through the most challenging exercises in the United States Army has. You will be going thru a new type of training. We are trying to build a new Army. To succeed in this program, you must work harder than you ever had to do before. No one will fail you would have to go back and try it again.

  At graduation, you will have earned the rank of second lieutenant. There have been some signifi
cant changes to the Army’s uniforms; for example, they are colored blue, made with a unique material that stops most bullets, and with the proper placement of the solider and light, it can make you invisible. We added a light mask to the uniform along with gloves; we don’t want you to be seen

  The ‘Ancient Order of the Soldiers will train you.’ Before you graduate, from essential exercise, there will be tests to see what you are best at. They will then send you to the school which would enhance your abilities. You will never leave this group. One minute you may be cleaning up the cafeteria after lunch or operating on a patient upstairs in the hospital, in the next hour you could on a plane, as a colonel in a combat uniform ready to fight

  Tonight, the taverns will close at nine. Once you enter your rooms, your ass will belong to me. Females have their designated quarters. Each one of you must stay away from any sexual contact with anyone, or you will find yourself out of the Army. After graduation, you all can go nuts.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Paper marriage

  The Fort Barlow’s Military Command Center’s phone rang and said: “A man answered it and said, “Baker you better make it short.”

  Sergeant, you won’t believe this, it’s hilarious, I’m looking at a kid with a small goat on her lap sitting next to my desk. Now she is feeding the goat my paperwork, get this, she told me her name is Alice, and she is reporting for duty.

  When the Sergeant heard the name Alice, he set off the base alarm by pushing a button which automatically sealed the Fort’s gates and started the new electrical tracking system embedded in the fencing surrounding the Fort. Also, directing all personnel to report for duty.

  Hearing the sirens and seeing the fence’s ‘Spot Lights turn on, the guard, Baker, shouted: “Get these people out of here and lock down the area.”

  His Sergeant told him there were ten Special Troopers headed his way; their job was to collect Alice and her friends. Now, he said, put her on the phone and touch no one, and if you see a large young man don’t go near him, he will kill you.

  Baker gave his phone to the girl and then said, ”I will punch the wise-ass kid in the face.” I told him to give me “His weapons,” and he told me “To go fuck myself,” He said to the girl, my boss wants to talk to you, God knows why. He gave her the phone and Alice said ‘Hello.’

  Alice, it’s your dad. Martha has been waiting for you for two days. You’re both staying with us, but Robert must sleep in a different bedroom until the ‘Base Commander’ marries you two.

  Dad, we must first drop off a sick child and her mother at the hospital and let’ s keep the marriage thing from Robert, he loves surprises.

  Ten huge men appeared out of nowhere, dressed in black, each one loaded for bear. They didn’t get excited when the guard came smashing through the window. They picked him up and put him in the back of one their jeeps. Alice identified herself and said they should take the child and her Mother, Jennie to the hospital. She had contacted them told the mother and child would be arriving

  Alice walked over, and Jennie hugged her, she took the rabbit from the sleeping child and gave it to a trooper. Alice said she would see them tomorrow and that the hospital staff was waiting for them.

  Speaking to the troopers Alice said, Now take the wounded guard to the hospital. Also, have someone drive us and the ‘Air Stream’ to the Sergeant’s house. Also, be careful there are two young women, two adults, and a dog in the trailer.

  Everyone stopped the sound of a large creature approached. It stuck her face out of some brushes, and roared, scaring everyone except Alice who screamed it’s Maria.

  While they were watching the large cat move around with Alice holding on to his collar. Robert stepped into the light. His presence caught everyone off guard. Imagine a seven-foot giant dressed in a skin-tight outfit.

  Alice jumped in front of him, to the delight of all, she said ‘Sailor’ you not going out wearing that outfit. He picked her up kissed her and handed her to a trooper, he then kissed the little girl and her mother and said see you’re all tomorrow.

  The Reporter, Sally, ‘Nit’ and ‘Wit,’ the bunny, goat, and dog arrived at the Sergeant’s house in jeeps. Martha was outside waiting for them.

  Robert moved fast, Alice didn’t see he was wearing a backpack. He told Alice that the Fort had five breaches in their fence within the last five minutes.

  Alice replied the enemy must have followed us.

  Please check everyone into Hotel Martha. I’ll wake you when I get in.

  The troopers drove Alice thru every street in the Fort so she could identify the spies, malcontents in the Military area. The Princesses’ mind reading abilities have been improving where she can check someone’s’ mind out within twenty-five feet

  Robert had told Alice to send him pictures of the people and their residence when you identified them. The boys and I will pick them up in the morning. Meanwhile, I will take down anybody who tries to escape tonight.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The Trooper’s First Exercise

  Under the Sergeant control, two hundred troopers, carrying one hundred pound back-packs, with night vision glasses hanging around their necks entered the ‘Training Woods.’ It was getting dark as they set up their camp about 500 feet in. They divided the Troopers into four platoons. The Sergeant assigned temporary corporals to each squad which contained ten trainees.

  This is the same woods where Alice and Robert almost drowned, and Maria (Mountain Lion) was born.

  Three troopers from each squad had to check the large trees for recent climbing cuts. They used ultra-ray spotlights that could expose, even in the dark, the smallest cut or mark in a tree. They ordered the trainees to check the tree bark up to thirty feet from the ground; they found nothing.

  The Sergeant ordered the troopers to go back and start over, at forty feet

  The soldiers were laughing inside because they couldn’t believe anyone could jump forty feet.

  With the new guidelines, the trainees got lucky. The tree was an old Maple located two hundred yards from the camp and about four feet off the road.

  It puzzled the troopers, how could anyone jump forty feet, it was impossible? But that’s what the cuts showed? There was another surprise; there were no indentures in the tree showing that anyone actual climbed down.

  The nearest tree was over twenty feet away. The troopers believed it was impossible for anyone to jump from the first tree to the second one. After sounding an alert confirmed the hit, the entire training group surrounded the tree in question.

  The Sergeant shouted all right stop; this is not a fox hunt. Army platoons one and two return to the campsite and guards the place.

  After a brain thrust meeting, they believed the person who made the scratches into the tree was still hiding in the Maple. Stepping back from the tree one could see how the dense bush at the top of the tree could conceal a few people.

  The Sergeant said he was out, and you guys can run this thing any way you want to.

  This called for another brain thrust meeting. The squad leader decided that two men would climb the tree with their stun guns set to fire.

  To ensure the troopers had the protection they had Troopers climb the four trees surrounding the target Maple tree.

  The men found out that each of the five trees had an envelope stuck in their branches.

  The envelopes contained one word ‘Boom.’

  The sergeant said we have just lost eleven men. Let’s return to the base camp. On the way, they caught two Troopers in traps.

  The Sergeant ordered the troopers to form into columns. He counted them, including the alleged dead ones the total was 201.

  The Sergeant addressed the group. We gained one Trooper on paper but lost thirteen to the enemy.

  Your Princess may be standing next to you unless you can find a Seven-foot five-inch man.

bsp; Just then a stun gun when off knocking one soldier three feet into the air. Then, additional firing occurred, and a smoke bomb was thrown, causing total mayhem.

  The Sergeant pulled out a pistol and shot a bullet into the air. He got their attention and called the troopers into a formation.

  Okay, we have the results of the first day of the live exercise. The enemy Won we lost. Troopers set up your camp. Select your leaders and then plan on how you are going to catch these two kids and now with their thirteen helpers, it will be harder. Don’t forget; there will be more traps, phony bombs and now even the possibility of a suicide bomber.

  We have cameras on you, so it looks like you have a significant problem we will respond. I will be here tomorrow to travel with you and tell you what you did wrong. From now on you will plan your adventures.

  The Sergeant continued your side you have hundreds of men and women with years of military experience. Your enemy is two twenty years old kids. The female hasn’t even passed her driving test. Do you know why she failed?

  She didn’t pass the driving test is because she is blind? Well, this child did a job on you today. That is my fault I know her and consider her, my daughter, but I didn’t realize how fast she was able to pick things up. Here is the bad news the boy hasn’t even show up yet.

  Be careful tonight, or you will find yourself tied to a tree. I think you should prepare for a night counter-attack from her ex-boyfriend. Everyone laughed at the ex-boyfriend’s remark. Also, on your monitors, we have given you a copy of Robert’s recent fights.

  The Sergeant walked out of the woods and got into his jeep and left. There was a small goat in his car, and he tried to hide it, but it cried for his Mother. The Sergeant was smiling because his children were home. Final stop picks up his daughter and her friend.

  Alice was sitting on a tree branch with Robert, about twenty feet in the air. They jumped in the jeep and said, Dad remember the time we came home for dinner, and he was holding my pants up as Robert was getting in the back. They both laughed.