Alice's Soldiers Page 23
Chapter Thirty-Four
The Sergeant got his children out of bed by blowing a whistle. They have already put all the pets, one dog, one mountain lion, one Bunny, and one baby goat, into the backyard.
The children dressed, stood at attention in front of their beds waiting for the Sergeant’s permission to go to breakfast.
The Reporter and Sally were also, awakened and asked to join the family.
Martha had put Colonel’s stars, a purple heart, and patches stating she is a doctor and a surgeon on Alice’s white uniform. Robert got Captain bars and a ton of medals on his white uniform The Soldiers had delivered the badges and patches in question last night,
Alice jumped up and down like a child when she saw her Father the ‘King’ and her Mother, the ‘Queen’ already sitting at the table. She ran over curtsy to her mother and bowed to her father. Alice dragged Robert over to them by his Captain Bars and pointed to her Lt. Colonel insignia.
The pets were outside eating their breakfast with the regular hisses, grunts, and growls. After their meal ‘Nit’ and ‘Wit’ would groom the animals for the day. Lily Kemble will join the Princess assembly. ‘Maria’ the mountain lion will spend the day with Robert.
The maids ensured the rabbit and the baby goat would not get into anyone’s way.
While eating, the Sergeant addressed the group with today’s assignments, Ladies and Gentlemen here it is.
The schedule is as follows I will escort the Captain and the Lieutenant-Colonel to the Fort’s headquarters to finish their required military paperwork.
The Base Commander will perform a short ceremony marrying Robert and Alice. Her Mother, Queen Sandra will be the witnesses.
The Sergeant cut off attempts by Alice to say something.
Martha and Sally will join Queen Sandra and her daughter Alice, for a ladies shopping trip.
The Groom and shocked Bride arrived at the Fort’s headquarters around ten o’clock in the morning. The upset Bride was yelling at the Groom (who was on and off laughing) what happened to a proposal, a Ring, a white dress, Alice asked? This paper marriage will hurt my Grandmas, Elizabeth, and all our lifelong friends?
The Groom said, think Alice. Listen to your ‘King’ he has told us to do something, and we will do it because someday we may run the show and the last thing, we need is for two twenty years old to say no to us.
After a pause, Alice said, it must upset my Mother.
They held the wedding at the Base Commander’s Office. Robert and Alice were both standing in front of the ‘King.’ and ‘Queen.’ The two young Soldiers were in formal Military dress, and the Bride had a small bunch of flowers clutched in her hand.
Alice was looking at Robert, God he’s getting bigger. At night because of his size, he sleeps on his stomach, and I curl up underneath his right arm, there will be no more playing around, now we can relax and act like married people.
Besides, I love the guy and always have. At night, unless I have my hand on his neck or my leg over his, I can’t sleep, no matter what kind of day we have. Robert ends his day by pulling me as close to him, as possible.
Robert looked at his Bride and smiled and pushed her with his hip.
The Bride returned ‘Is that all you can think of?’
Yes, whispered Robert.
I whispered into her ear that brides don’t jump and down in the front of the ‘King and Queen.’
Robert tried to get Alice alone after the wedding. But the best he could do was to get a glance of her standing between her Mother and Father. She was in a tight uniform; which Robert had helped her into this morning. He saw a confused look on her face punctuated by teardrops.
Martha had given Alice a small bouquet (Which the Bride held on for dear life) before the ceremony started.
Queen Sandra was standing next to her daughter Alice.
The Sergeant and Martha were standing next to me.
The King of King’s (Acting Base Commander) read a paragraph from a military manual, and that married us.
I Kissed the bride as a ton of people were separating us.
I was watching Alice in the middle of a group of people trying to kiss and or to hug her. Alice looked adorable.
I got near enough to kiss the brat on her head and whispered I love you as I pushed her with my body from behind, which caused her to blush, and whisper you’re a pig, and I am not in the mood.
About an hour after the wedding, Robert and Alice found themselves alone. Robert said I didn’t realize we would get married; this is not only paperwork.
Alice continued the Sergeant told me it would update our military records. It does solve a lot of problems, such as us living together while we attend training.
Robert, said I don’t understand why my Mom and Dad didn’t come, they are only about fifty miles away?
Alice continued, Robert I do not understand what is going on, I know I cannot be pregnant.
She went on; my mother would never allow something as important as her daughter’s wedding to be as simple as a signature?
What’s next? Are we going into a room and forced to watch pornography and then mate?
Alice, I believe your Father and Mother are having a significant problem with your older brother, Bobby and our marriage would help solve that problem.
Robert, I do not know Bobby and could care less.
But we have broken our friend’s hearts. It’s not fair to them, the girls, and I have been talking about this marriage for most of our lives. My girlfriends were putting off their weddings, waiting for us. Alice was crying now. Alice continued what about the Grandmas, and the guys and my adopted father? Who in the hell do we think we are by getting married without them?
Alice was now having a full-time breakdown.
Robert was also hurting inside, he picked Alice up against her will, kicked open a door which at least stopped Alice’s crying. The new husband found a chair sat down and put her on his lap. He put his fingers on her chin and turned it towards his face.
Alice, please don’t cry. Both of our parents have already adopted our friends. I believed along with the gang we all will have the most magnificent formal weddings in modern history. Plus, everyone will become members of the Monarch.
Our kingdom will oversee the care of ‘Thousands of Soldiers Families.’
Honey lets us look at the facts; I am the Groom, and you are the Bride, and we are on a honeymoon, and that all she wrote.
Alice said I would have to ask my Mother about that.
Queen Sandra asked Alice and Robert to attend a necessary formality in the living room.
Robert and I found Martha, and the Sergeant kneeling in front of the King.
The Queen said the ‘King’ and thanked you two for being their parents (Robert and Alice) during a problematic period in their lives. You guys did a great job being her Mother and Father. Robert and Alice love you both very much. In time Sergeant, you will be her Prime Minister. Martha, you will oversee her household. Royal titles await you both, God bless.
They told Alice and me about the military meeting scheduled before dinner.
Your Father’s Generals, some United States’ Armed Forces Generals will attend with, for the first time, the three highest Soldier’s Generals.
Alice, the Soldiers have already told me that the Rebellious Families are planning to attack my Mother (Elizabeth) and Father’s Castle. They say it is Bobby first step in taking over your Parent’s Sovereignty.
On our side, this will be the Soldiers first battle against the defying Families. The Soldiers will update the situation through me. It looks like Bobbie’s Guards totaling twenty thousand men.
Ms. Bride, we should crush the enemy.
He kissed her on the check and let her go like a bird.
Alice ran to the door with the bouquet still
clutched in one hand. She stopped turned around and ran back kissed him and after a mouthful of whispered sex stuff into his ear; she continued her day.
The purpose of the traps is to capture the trainees. For the animal’s protection, they put a toxic effect on the traps, advising them to stay away.
It will turn each capture or killed (fake) trooper over to fight alongside Robert and Alice.
Alice spent the afternoon with the girls, her Mother Sandra, Sally, and Martha; they were lingerie shopping for the Bride. Alice became embarrassed; the women kept on ‘Singing here comes the Bride’ in every department they entered.
It was a packed Sax Fifth Avenue Department Store. Alice said to herself ‘Fort Barlow’ was more than your ever-day Army Fort.
Robert, they brought me a lot of translucent underwear. I promised that I would wear at least one of them tonight.
Robert, I must go they are waving at me, for lunch. Alice said be careful Robert I will see you at our wedding supper.
The store had set up a long table for about forty people, at least half the ladies were Soldiers or Soldier’s wives. The women in the room couldn’t wait for their princess to walk in. They prayed that the Prince and Princess would be their future ‘King’ and ‘Queen of All.’
Alice was sitting straight-up in her chair with pure happiness on her face. Someone gave her a glass of wine and every few seconds someone was kissing her on one of her checks, and she would smile and say thank you every-time it happened.
Alice heard a sweet voice say, hay fruitcake its Patty, my mother wants to talk to you.
Hi, nutty please sit down I arranged for me to sit between you two as soon as I heard about this party. Patty, you can tell me what these beasts are going to do. My mother, the Queen. Sally, my lawyer, and Aunt Martha cannot stop laughing.
Alice, I do not understand I have never been to a stag party.
Before I forget patty, Robert and I want you and your mother to come to our wedding reception tonight at Martha’s house. It’s at nine o’clock; we will have someone pick you up.
When we were in high school, I told you, Patty, that someday you will live with me in my Castle. Well, young lady ‘guess what,’ right now the movers are planning your relocation.
Tomorrow they will show you and your mother pictures of the furnished apartments that are available at my Castle so you may pick out which one you want. As soon as you are ready, contact the movers and Ms. Smith. She will arrange for you two to pick out some new outfits; there are hundreds for you choose. Ms. Smith will also have someone from her staff introduce you to the stupid Royal Court etiquette rules.
Patty, you and your mother, must come to dinner, as soon as we get settled at the Castle. There will be people waiting to take you to the Royal Court, introduce you to the people you should know and make sure you and your mother stand next to me. You will soon have a lot of new friends, with too many parties and dinner invitations to choose.
Princess Alice, you remember my Mother Rose?
Hello Rose, how have you been?
Fine, Alice said, thank you for asking Princess. I have been waiting to apologize to you for years. You had your first sleepover with Patty when you two were children.
The Sergeant dropped you off at my house; he was holding your hand with a broad smile on his face. Since I was having a dreadful time being unemployed and broke, I was not myself. So, when I opened the door and saw you with an old funnel hat on your head, pajamas under your robe, carrying records, some snacks, and the great smile. I forgot you were blind because you didn’t act like it. It was terrible for me saying come in, and I left you on my doorstep.
I realized What I did and turned around and picked you up. I got you in my arms as your first warm tear fell and hit me.
I realize how lucky I was and had to laugh when Patty yelled at me, “Mom put Alice down.”
Rose the teardrop was for you when you picked me up. I felt how sad you were, and I couldn’t hold it back. When I got home, I told my dad and mom; they said they would help you.
Oh, my ‘God.’ That’s why I got that great job with the Fort. Alice, you must be our angel and kissed her.
The Stag Party
Alice stood up and with a glass of wine introduce Jennie and Patty to everyone. The Princess said, my mother has forced me into this prearranged wedding with a man named Robert.
Oh, I forgot, first; we invite all of you, and your families to my force wedding, to be held in my mother’s castle. A Ms. Smith, who has your name and address, will handle the transportation, the housing, clothes, and anything else you need.
Now, let’s talk about my arranged marriage with this seven-foot five inches man who weighs around 320 pounds. I saw him this morning at the Fort’s Commanders Office, and he tried to grab my ass.
Everybody laughed.
Mom, do you have anything to say or advice to give?
Martha told Alice you supposed to have sex with your Husband on your wedding night.
Her Mother Sandra said to make a lot of noise, which caused a roar of laughter from the women and another painting of blush for the Bride.
Her Mother said to get as much foreplay as possible, makes them work for it. The girls roared.
Mom! The Bride yelled.
Sally said you have a problem, Alice, I have seen Robert pick you with one hand, and you’re not a small woman.
Your only hope to get him drunk said, Martha. Put up with onetime sex; he will fall asleep, and you can watch Television.
Sally and the Queen had to hold on to each other because they were laughing so hard, they almost fell off their chairs. What was funny was Alice’s expressions of innocence?
Wedding Dinner
Alice had to run and get a gift for her new husband, and a bottle of rum.
The ‘Reporter’ was at home taken care of the goat, and the rabbit. But his real job was to watch the families’ dealings and the ‘Fifth Avenue Complex’ expenditures.
One of his many duties was to transfer funds from the trust to the checking account covering the housing expenses. During their monthly meeting, he passed the money they steal from the ‘Soldiers Tavern’ to all the family’s members, including the Soldiers. They had communication lines running through the Prosciutto shops the Apartment Complex and all the different entities to ensure adequate cash flow.
The ‘Reporter’ already had a staff of five and soon will add additional people because he was picking up the Castle’s expenses and income.
The Queen and King of All had their Royal Kitchen staff arrange to have a pleasant walk thru ceremony to celebrate the wedding. The Princess and Prince would greet the guest at the entrance to a huge tent, and the people would have an extremely long table of appetizers they could choose as many ones as they want. The Bar was next, and there were as many bartenders as needed and the end was a famous band playing to the cheers and exuberance of the young people.
A wedding cake came out, and the Princess cut pieces for the guests, who were beside themselves as a Princess on her honeymoon night cutting slices of cake for everybody. This small act made her the most beloved woman in the nation.
A commotion caused everyone to turn their attention to the entrance; there stood King John, Queen Elizabeth, Grandma Lily and her husband, Freddy. And, Gloria and Tony, Tracy, Joeann, and Steven as well as Grandma Marie all waving at Alice.
Grandmas Lily and Marie took Alice place at the cutting table so Alice could run to her Brooklyn family. You had to be a happy girl joining your family who showed up out of nowhere.
Hours later Robert carried a sleeping Princess into the Air Stream he took off her gown and shoes pull the covers over both and put her arm around her and fell asleep
Chapter Thirty-Five
Battle at the Castle:
In front of Queen Elizabeth and King John’s Castle was a tall Soldier
sitting in a chair with his feet up on a table drinking a beer and reading the racing form. He looked up when he heard the footsteps of a horse.
The beautiful horse was staring down, with playful blue eyes at the Soldier then he and drank the guy’s beer, the man on the horse, dressed in bright shiny armor said I demand your surrender. Some say a horse is smart as a chicken, that may be true, but horses have their own form of intelligence.
For example, in the late eighteen hundreds, a thoroughbred was traveling on an English road, with a six-foot-high brush on both sides of the road and when he rounded the blind corner, he was almost run over by an automobile. The incident almost caused the horse to have attacked, from the strange object and the noise which caused the horse to bolt and throw his passenger, to date when any horse from the same bred passes this coroner, they bolt.
The Prince and Princess arrived with their caravan two days ago; the Castle was about 50 miles from Fort Barlow after they dropped their stuff off, they went to Battle Control Center. The Prince and Princess found a tiered staged operational center, packed full of computers, monitors and screens, manned by Soldiers and US Air Forces personnel. A few Generals, who were waiting for them, they, advised that Prince Bobby will attack in a few days with twenty thousand Soldier, plus five thousand Hunters, located in the caves below the Castle. But, not to worry they are morons, our Soldiers (Which they can’t see) are marching alongside Bobby’s Army. When the army packs it in for the night, they will be captured. We are going to blow up the hunters they don’t belong to any one of our families, and they deal in drugs, prostitution, and murder.
“Now, the General said we need information that only you two can provide, Prince Robert’s ability to fly around the battlefield and transmit what he sees below to the Princess’ mind. Which she then transmits the information to an ongoing computer program that displays what is happening on the battlefield, so our military personnel, including the Princess to direct the war extremely actuary.”
Alice demand she is made a General which they did.